since update to V12 & Now V18 can't get from sprint account page to billpay page works under IE
gets to Sprint.com My Account site no problem but trying to go form there to the Pay Bill get a constant "Transferring Data" .
Stopping the load by selecting the "Stop Loading X" and the Back Arrow goes back to the My Account site.
Stopping the load by the back arrow displays the Pay Bill Site momentarily then returns to the My Account site.
Breaking the internet connection while trying to load brings up the Pay Bill site. It looks like Fire Fox is looking for something to finish the load that it is not getting from the Pay Bill site.
This works properly using IE
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I wonder whether it's a coincidence. When I try to load my statement from myaccountportal.sprint.com the throbber just spins and spins. One time when I reloaded using Ctrl+Shift+r to bypass cached files the page flashed before my eyes, but then cleared. Hmmm...
Tried to reload with CTrl+Shift all it did was open anothe tab doing the same thing.