With about:performance deprecated, how can I check memory usage for individual extensions?
In previous versions of Firefox, I could use about:performance to check the memory usage of individual extensions. However, now that about:performance has been removed in favor of about:processes, I can't find any way to view this information.
How can I view extension memory usage in about:processes or other diagnostic tools?
Alla svar (2)
The support article contains the following statement. It links, however, to nothing. You probably know that about:about lists most 'about' pages. I could find nothing which provides the information you want.
Note: The Extensions process entry shows memory and CPU usage for all enabled extensions, since all extensions share a single content process. To view information for individual add-ons, use the Task Manager.
Visit about:memory and click the "Measure" button. In the "Filter" textbox, type the internal UUID of the extension you are interested in. You can find the UUID by visiting about:debugging and clicking on "This Firefox".