I couldn't log-in to Mozilla Firefox Forum with my new computer. I clicked "Don't remember password" then filled in email. Mozilla didn't recognize me. Then I asked for help in this forum. I got an email from this forum, got an email to click the link to activate my new account. I the got this answer
Something is wrong
We could not activate your account. Please make sure that you have clicked the correct link in your email or typed in the correct address.
Please help me activate my account. Thank you. (Wow, this is hard)
Alla svar (8)
Which forum do you mean with "Mozilla Firefox Forum" ?
This Firefox Support forum or another Firefox forum?
The other message that you posted (/questions/784005) wasn't clear about this.
Hi, the forum I want to log-in to is MozillaZine (http://forums.mozillazine.org/)
^Hi, the forum I want to log-in to is MozillaZine (http://forums.mozillazine.org/) ^
If it is the mozillaZine forums you are having trouble with a account or logging in, then why post here when you can post in MozillaZine Site Discussion as Guest posting is allowed in that section along with the Firefox/Thunderbird/SeaMonkey Support sections.
Anyways what is the account name on mozillaZine? as I can manually activate it there if need be. Also check your email account used for the activation email as you may even have to check the spam box if not in email account inbox.
support.mozilla.com/questions and forums.mozillazine.org are completely separate, more so as mozillaZine is independent.
edit: Looked for a account with the drawohna name but it did not exist and also went back over four days in inactive list to be sure.
Oh and I will not be on again for some 14 hours so either you will have to wait or post MozillaZine Site Discussion and a Mod should be able to help you.
Hi, Thank you for your response. I posted here because I didn't know of the MozzilaZine Site Discussion as a Guest. Thank you for showing me this.
You asked me for an"account name" on MozillaZine. I don't know what an account name is . They want a User Name and a Password but I lost my User Names and Passwords when I got a new computer. When I click "I lost my password" I must fill in a User Name and an email address: When I filled in with a User Name that I thought it might be (from memory) and my email, the response I got was "The e-mail/username information submitted could not be found."
If you can manually activate it I would appreciate it. Could I choose my own User Name and Password?
Also, I'm new to this forum and I would like to use it if I have further questions about Firefox. This forum has recognized my User Name as drawohna and as drawoh when I have posted in this forum. Is this now my official User Name and Password here?
Again, thank you for your help. I will wait 14 hours for your response.
Thank you you very much.
Yes you can continue to use the drawohna account you made here on https://support.mozilla.com/questions/ whenever you want to post however it is a completely separate account from forums.mozillazine.org
Ok I found a account with the name of drawoh on forums.mozillazine.org which has the sheedd at sbcglobal net email address. The account is active however you can try the password recovery since you say you cannot remember the password. Once you login into the account, you can change the password and even change the username if you like by going in the User Control Panel ->Profile->Edit account settings (which is on right sidebar on mozillazine).
It makes since as I saw you posted under the Guest names of sheed1
and drawohna in Firefox Support section of forums.mozillazine.org and the Guests posts were in same IP range as ones used with the drawoh account.
The account name on mozillazine cannot be drawohna both because it does not exist and because it was allowed to be used while as a Guest poster as Guest posters cannot put in a name that is in use by a registered account.
Hi James,
I followed your steps for password recovery at Mozilline and it worked perfectly. I am just waiting for my password. Thank you very much. I like this forum and the help I got here. You say I cannot create an account name using drawohna here, so I will created a different User Name and Password and see how it goes. If it it doesn't work, I'll be back here (as the unallowable drawohna) to ask you more how-to questions.
Thanks again
No no.. I did not say that as the account you are using to post in this thread here under the name of drawohna can be used just fine if you want to continue to post on this forum. No need at all to create a new account for this forum unless you want two accounts.
I was saying the account name on mozillazine could not have been drawohna (like the name you are using to post with here) as it did not exist (not registered by anybody et), not because it was not allowed.
I see you managed to log in on the drawoh account on mozillazine account fine.
Thank you again for your help.