Don`t find media.navigator media.peerconnection media.navigator.permission settings
Our company make mini pc on armhf with ubuntu 12.04 In our product you need to implement the ability to connect usb webcam interface and the ability to establish a conference on technology webrtc. After examining the site of your support, I found that to work on webrts necessary adjustment functions media.navigator media.peerconnection media.navigator.permission settings. In the version of firefox for armhf platform 31, these functions have`t been found, do you plan their do? Thank you
All Replies (6)
HI rustco, I do not know. However there is a webrtc based connection that can be established from the Firefox Nightly version. Just click on the talk bubble icon and you will get a link you can give to the other person you would like to make a connection with.
I am pretty sure those do work though. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/d.../RTCPeerConnection is t called RTCpeerconnection>
Please make sure that it is enabled in your about:config settings. Set media.peerconnection.enabled to false in about:config.
Version nightli under linux arm platform could not be found. The compound will be connected through the server, which will create room for the interlocutors, as it is implemented in the project Lynckia. Perhaps you have someone to ask about whether there will be the needed features in future versions firefox. Or what should be done in this version in order for these functions appear Thank you
Linux arm isn't one of our standard Mozilla build configurations, so no Nightly builds are available from us.
WebRTC should work on all versions of FIrefox; however since the machine/OS configuration is not a directly supported one, you need to verify that webrtc was enabled in the build you use, or build your own copy of Firefox from source. (Make sure --disable-webrtc is NOT set in the configuration.) Also, we don't test unsupported configurations - it should work, but there are no guarantees. If it doesn't work, we'll happily accept patches to fix it (and frequently get them from FreeBSD people and other OS maintainers (Ubuntu, RedHat, etc) to include things like WebRTC MIPS support, etc).
unfortunately setting webrtc absent in about:config and the camera does not see the browser we look forward to the support of new releases vebrts browser Thank you
just in case, let me remind you that we have this problem only on the platform armhf and resolution of this issue is important to us please tell me if you can, when we can expect a fix for firefox that we need to install in Ubuntu 12.04 Thank you very much
We do not officially support linux-arm platforms. Likely the standard Ubuntu settings for linux-arm include --disable-webrtc. You probably have to build your own copy with different settings, and perhaps debug it, or get the upstream ubuntu-arm maintainers to do so.
We do generally support variations like this, so in theory it should work, but there are always chances it needs some small fixes, or more.
I'd start with the Ubuntu-ARM maintainers, or just try a local build of Firefox