Can't play any video in this site: http://www.b92.net/tv/najave.php?cid=60#n2726 In Chrome plays just fine.
I have all plugins, averythig else is just fine, but these videos. If I go to the source of the videos, for example this one <embed src="http://blip.tv/play/hKYmg5TsVQA.html?p=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" height="270" width="320"> and go to http://blip.tv/play/hKYmg5TsVQA.html?p=1 all is fine video plays just fine. It is the same with other: <embed frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" src="http://www.b92.net/embed/index.php?nav_id=900667" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" height="545" width="665"> if I go directly to http://www.b92.net/embed/index.php?nav_id=900667 all is fine.
In IE11 is the same. Only plays fine in Chrome. Any help?
Sorry, the message is: A plugin is needed to display this content...
Chosen solution
You could use a bookmarklet to replace the current embed tag with an iframe or use Inspect Element in the right-click context menu to open the built-in Inspector and double-click the embed text and replace it with iframe.
javascript:(function(){var cE='object',eE=document.querySelectorAll('embed');for(i=0;E=eE[i];i++){N=document.createElement(cE);for(j in E.attributes){A=E.attributes[j];if((A.name!=undefined)&&(A.value!=undefined)){N.setAttribute((A.name.toLowerCase()=='src')?'data':A.name,A.value)}}E.parentNode.replaceChild(N,E)}})()Read this answer in context 👍 6
All Replies (10)
There is a problem with the site, I think. The links in your first post were all video removed. The link in your second post showed me a message saying a plugin was needed. But I have all the normal plugins already. Also, if you see a message like that, it should tell you what plugin is needed.
Problem is in the link from a second message. It is fine in Chrome, Opera, but doesnt show or play embeded flash in Firefox and IE.
This doesn't work with an HTML file in an embed tag. You would have to use an iframe.
<iframe src="http://blip.tv/play/hKYmg5TsVQA.html?p=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" height="270" width="320">
Thanks. Why it is working in Chrome and Opera?
Because they don't follow the spec or badly. Chrome is not the authority in term of implementation.
Authority or not, it is working with Opera and Chrome, and doesn't with Firefox...
Embed is the only thing that isn't working in Firefox when it comes to embedding an HTML file. It works with an iframe and with an object, but not with embed.
- data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<iframe src="http://blip.tv/play/hKYmg5TsVQA.html?p=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" height="270" width="320">
- data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<object data="http://blip.tv/play/hKYmg5TsVQA.html?p=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" height="270" width="320">
Is there any plugin or some hack to enable recognition of this tag?
Suluhisho teule
You could use a bookmarklet to replace the current embed tag with an iframe or use Inspect Element in the right-click context menu to open the built-in Inspector and double-click the embed text and replace it with iframe.
javascript:(function(){var cE='object',eE=document.querySelectorAll('embed');for(i=0;E=eE[i];i++){N=document.createElement(cE);for(j in E.attributes){A=E.attributes[j];if((A.name!=undefined)&&(A.value!=undefined)){N.setAttribute((A.name.toLowerCase()=='src')?'data':A.name,A.value)}}E.parentNode.replaceChild(N,E)}})()