Feedback on Firefox support
I was asked about my experience of using Firefox.
I like Firefox on Windows. I like it a lot. But I have had problems using it on iOS. I know there are historical reasons for some issues on Apple devices.
I had decided to try using Firefox on iOS again. I found a problem I wanted to report. I had problems accessing my support account.
So, when I was asked to give feedback on Firefox I feciddd to give it the poorest rating available.
I was then shocked that I could not give any more context for my answer before the feedback was finished - just one feedback question!!
I was informed that I would be contacted.
That may occur, but I could easily have forgotten precisely why I gave my poor rating.
I want to encourage Firefox to do a good job, but this makes it hard to do that!!
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Typo correction: So, when I was asked to give feedback on Firefox I decided to give it the poorest rating available.
Would have been nice to have the option to check my question before it was posted as well.