Flash not working properly after update to Firefox 3.6.7
Ever since I updated to Firefox 3.6.7, Flash is not working properly. I updated my Flash, but that did not fix the problem. Has anyone else run into this since updating Firefox?
URL of affected sites
All Replies (20)
Let me stress this again - Please remove all types of flash plugins (including flash alternatives) from various mozilla/firefox folders located in /usr/lib. They seem to conflict and probably causing the problem.
Sorry there's a typo, it should be
Checked about:plugins in firefox and interestingly flash version 9 still remained undeleted (coz the file is hidden in .mozilla folder) and therefore removed that too.
Same problem using Windows 7, I fixed it in Linux with a simple command in terminal, but I dont remember it, search for it it is simpler than anything else to fix in Linux, in Windows I have no idea but the clicks in full screen just dont work.
Hi ,
I am using Ubuntu 9.04 - the Jaunty Jackalope - released in April 2009. Till updating to Firefox Version 3.6.7 my flowplayer (flash video player) was working perfectly , with the new update none of the videos are playing in my system.
Regards, Johny (www.phpshore.com)
Same problem for Fedora 13. No flash plugin is present in about:plugins after I've erased all the previous libflashplayer.so and copied the new one to ~/.mozilla/plugins
same here, i could see flash vids in firefox 3.6.6, but after update i can not play any flash vid. I was a big fan of firefox, but recently I am losing my interest to it.
www.hulu.com, tnt.com, syfy.com. Try to change settings for screen saver when at these sites. Loads extremely slow since updated to Firefox 3.6.4. and still having issues with 3.6.7. Any new updates to plug-in that works on these sites? Or is Adobe Flash the conflicting issue, uninstalled and reinstalled 3 times.
How exactly did you solve the problem. I'm not very computer literate. "First I removed all types of flash plugins from /usr/lib using the terminal (sudo rm /usr/lib/mozilla...........)"??? Where do I find all the flash plugins I have???
SK's suggestion works like a charm.
My husband and I have Macs on a home network. We've been having trouble connecting to the internet since the update last week. My husband's browser settings appeared to have been completely deleted and after we fixed his (several phone calls to Time-Warner Cable and Earthlink - who would have made us call the MODEM company if I hadn't put a stop to it) mine has started to go on the fritz.
It hangs on loading pages, says, far, far too often that it "can't find the server" for a page and is in general, a big phat pain in the bootay.
My husband had a Skype chat with a friend on the East Coast who said she had to completely replace her modem after the update. It sounded like all her settings had been wiped, too.
What the hey?
Up until now, I have liked my Firefox. Right now, I hate it. I particularly hate not knowing what's going on. Does anybody know?
checked about:plugins and I have v 10+ flash. Running 3.6.8
Ever since 3.6.something-or-other all flash video has run horribly at 95-100% CPU when it didn't have the issue before. WTF Mozilla?
I had this exact same problem. I managed to fix it by going to Adobe's About Flash page and installing it from there.
I had this exact same problem. I managed to fix it by going to Adobe's About Flash page and installing it from there.
Same problem here, flash content on displayed on Firefox, works fine on IE. I am on MF 3.6.8. I also have another site where the colour background (WEB safe) is NOT displayed on MF, again background colour displayed fine on IE
keeps saying update Adobe Flash after I updated to FF 4 RC but it still doesn't work even after updating Adobe Flash. I even tried to uninstall and reinstall it but didn't fix the problem. Any help is much appreciated. Cheers
Flash had automatically put the plugin into my HD library - and it needed to be in my home library. Moved it. Problem solved for me.
Problem still continues on MAC OS X 10.5 with Mozilla Firefox 3.6.13. So playing Flash is only possible for me with Google Chrome (sans NoScript). Three tries fetching the .dmg from Adobe, installing, re-startng and having e.g. Flickr tell me I must update my FLASH. Other sites same.
Ya gotta love the bi Anti-Public standards software companies. You know who they are. There standards are proprietary and NO ONE can port to them.
yes, same here - anything using flash will not work at all -OK, I have three computers (2 laptops 1 desktop)- and it is doing this or rather not doing flash on all three - happened right after it updated or at least in the last week. Flash works fine on my other browsers on these computer and I have 4 other types of browsers - flash is working on all the other ones, so it's something with Firefox. Yes, youtube will not work at all now. I'm going to try AnonymousUser's suggestion and see if I can get it working. Thanks
Time to read this -
If you have continuing problems start a new thread with a specific question and full details. You are in limbo on this old thread.
i had this problem with ff 4 in win 7 but for a odd reason i fixed it...i open task manager and i just ended plugin-container and ff it self and it fixed it. i wonder why? anyone tried this and it work???