I need enhanced built-in serch engine: like Ctrl+F for 1 pattern, but to find a list of predermined words simultaniously.
This isn't a problrm! Ty 4 ur patience, but I didn't fount an approriate topic/place/way to ask this thing (to offer an extended usability, being honest) So I have a repetitonal task many times a day: there is a list of keywords (like, my specializations in jobsite) and I must parse manually many web pages to find occurencies of those keywords. This is quite a bumper. To select a word from file, to copy and paste it in special Ctrl+F window in browser, then do it again many times for each new word =( To solve this kind of problem let the browser have a user predetermined list of patterns and new menu shortcut like Ctrl+L: whrn the user hits this shortcut the browser finds all the words (patterns) from that list automatically and flashes them on the page view. And the special button appear "Go next occurence"
Thanks for your patience.
All Replies (4)
Are you aware that support ended a long wile ago for Firefox
If you are using a newer Firefox version (Help > About) then see:
Maybe /Find Bar/: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/99836/
LOL of course I use the latest Firefox version 3.6.12 Don't know while these tags were added to my post. As I said b4 I didn't find the propier way/forum to post my request...
That is because of your user agent:
- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; ru; rv: Gecko/20080702 Firefox/ WebMoney Advisor
See my above post.