How do I get rid of startnow toolbar and webpage?
My firefox webpage is blocked. Startnow webpage is over the firefox webpage. It will not delete and i can't get rid of it.
All Replies (20)
See: How to remove the Startnow Toolbar
You may also possibly find it by clicking the Firefox button, go to Add-ons, then Extensions. If you see any reference to it in there, remove it.
Go to your Control Panel, Click on Programs (or similar option if not using Windows 7), Click on Programs and Features. "Startnow Toolbar" should be listed as a program that you can right click on and select uninstall. Follow the wizard instructions to uninstall.
It's not listed in Programs. Mine isn't a toolbar but a page. Startnow appears when I click on the Firefox button on my desktop. I've read about it but honestly, I don't have the computer knowledge to truly understand the explanations/suggestions. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
Hello Alicia-
I just finished removing the smart now toolbar, and when I first started Firefox, it came up as my home page, which is what it has done to yours. Click on the Firefox button, and click Options, Options. In the General tab, under Start Up is where you would set up the home page(s) you would like to assign. If the web address is changed to a smart now page that matches what's in your address bar, select all, backspace and type in the web page you had before. That's should take you back to normal!
Thank-You very much for your help, it appears to be gone!
I deleted this program and now my mozilla wont connect to the internet even though IE does =(
I spent over an hour with the smartnow removal tool to no avail, checked regedit, removed Chrome, Firefox! still the insidious program prevailed. Until I checked the cookies. and found these listed below. removing all of them has finally gotten rid of the obnoxious program. good luck
http://tr.startnow.com/startnow//images/sn_favicon.ico http://tr.startnow.com/startnow//images/sn_logo.gif http://tr.startnow.com/startnow/images/sn_sprite1.png http://tr.startnow.com/startnow/images/engines/web_bing.gif http://tr.startnow.com/startnow/images/engines/images_bing.gif http://tr.startnow.com/startnow/images/engines/video_bing.gif http://tr.startnow.com/startnow/images/engines/maps_bing.gif http://tr.startnow.com/startnow/images/engines/news_bing.gif http://tr.startnow.com/startnow/images/sn_sbox_btn.png http://tr.startnow.com/startnow/images/sn_sprite2.png
Thank You I am struggling with this stupid Bar How do I loacte these Cookies you had mentioned Pl help
I was SAVED by using the free version of SUPERAntiSpyware ( http://www.superantispyware.com/ )
Writing on July 16. Start Now infiltrated my computer when I was updating my Adobe Reader. So please beware. Anyway the evil Start Now home page has finally been deleted from my home computer with the expert help of this post below. Start with the instructions below that was written to Alicia.
I just finished removing the smart now toolbar, and when I first started Firefox, it came up as my home page, which is what it has done to yours. Click on the Firefox button, and click Options, Options. In the General tab, under Start Up is where you would set up the home page(s) you would like to assign. If the web address is changed to a smart now page that matches what's in your address bar, select all, backspace and type in the web page you had before. That's should take you back to normal!
For some background on the StartNow toolbar and Zugo see
I used antispyware, also removed startnow from add/remove programs and checked registry for any startnow entries (none). My homepage is correct but I still have the startnow toolbar and my internet connection is slower than Christmas in July.
SUCCESS!! After I uninstalled startnow I still had the toolbar. Go to "Extensions" in Add-on Manager and delete the toolbar there.
I had previously gone to control panel and add/delete programs and deleted "Start Now" and that appeared successful. However, the "Start Now" page kept opening up when clicking on "Firefox." Following one of the suggestions on the Google blog seemed to finish off the deleting process. That is, click on Firefox then click on tools and then click on options wherein "Start Now" will appear in the start up page box as the page of choice. I changed that to "msn.com" and now when I click on Firefox my page of choice, "msn.com" comes up (without delay) so it appears that I've successfully cleaned the system up. Good luck.....hope this works.
To remove StartNow from the FireFox tool bar:
- Locate the FireFox menu bar (this is just below the title bar on my FireFox page)
- Click the "Tools" menu
- Click the "Add-ons" menu item
- Click the "Extensions" tab on the Add-ons pop up screen
- Click the "Startnow ToolBar" entry from the list of installed add-ons
- Click the "Uninstall" button that appears
- Click the "Uninstall" button on the pop up screen
- Click the "Restart FireFox" button that appears on the Add-ons pop up screen (or just close and reopen Firefox)
I find people are also talking about the same Startnow.com toolbar problem on this page and it lists a few things to remove there http://blog.teesupport.com/how-to-remove-if-startnow-com-tool-bar-manually-step-by-step/
Click START button, open 'search', search for STARTNOW Search should find an uninstall. Click uninstall.
What I did was go into addons, then I searched for start now. For some reason, it doesnt appear on things plugins or anything. AFter I searched for it, it popped up and then i removed it. Simple.
This is what worked on my girlfriends computer. Control Panel, unintsall program. Her homepage is still not working properly, but maybe a restart will resolve that tonight. It begs the question...... How in the hell did this program automatically show up on this computer? She is so good about not installing programs, but this one snuck through!!! Windows update?
I tried lotsa stuff in my old baga trix and here is what finally worked for me on Win XP: Right click from "Start" for "Search." Plug in "Startnow" for a search of all files on the main drive. Open the resulting folder and an executable "uninstall" file will appear. Follow thru with the wizard and both Firefox and Windows will shutdown. Restart both and and find the "startnow" toolbar along with all of the other bait-boxes will have been trashed. Cheerz and good luck with a great browser: Firefox"