I switched to Firefox 5 now computer slower than ever
I try to load first off and it takes forever and then to go onto facebook and switch within facebook takes forever
All Replies (3)
Please look at it and help me
I'm a web developer developing for all browsers and win/os. I have been watching the not so slow & oh so steady decline of Firefox for many years.
I would not recommend blaming your OS until you compare FF performance with Chrome. Using Fiddler or Firebug Net monitor & Chrome Monitor it just shows me that internal to the FF kernel/exe it seems to stutter before responding to any user inititated event.
I remember when FF came along 7 years ago. It was a breath of fresh air after the hell of IE4/5/6.
IE9 is now better than FF5 & that is something I never thought would happen.
But seriously, Chrome just kicks ass & I have to discipline myself to test my site in Firefox. As soon as I'm done testing I RUN back to Chrome for development & personal browsing.
I think somebody made a wrong turn in alberquerque and just keeps putting more band-aids on the bullet wound that is the stuttering performance of this once graceful gazelle.
Cary Abramoff, MCSD.NET and FF/IE/Safari refugee living in ChromeZvilleZ 4 evah! (or till it does a FF, hey the web is a fickle place)
Just as addendum... I develop on a Dell ProEdge with dual cores, 12GB of RAM & win 2008 running 64 bit. Even client side cached pages render 10X slower in FF than Chrome & (7X slower than IE9/Safari 4) IE8 is 4x faster.
FF5 acts alot like IE8, it has this inherent stutter everytime a mouse event or hot key kicks off Ajax or even just pure JQuery. It seems to lie in the rendering & event engine.
And I have disabled ALL add-ons except Flash & Silverlight which are mandatory or I might as well give up on FF altogether; well I would if I did not need to support all browsers.
My advice to FF/IE & Safari teams: RENT/LICENSE CHROME and .... I know I'm being mean now but waiting for div to render 20-40 seconds that renders in under 4 seconds in Chrome drives me bugf$(#*!
Just sayin'.... :))
You'll get it right eventually I'm sure.... and if not... quantum computers are not too far away....