How can I create a link to the internal download management page?
I'm currently attempting to create a custom new tab/startup homepage and I've been adding links to pages I visit often, of course. Well I'd like to add "Add-ons" and "Downloads" that take me to "about:addons" and "about:downloads". I assumed it would be as simple as
<a href="about:downloads">Downloads</a>
but it makes sense that this wouldnt work. What can I do/use to get this working? Thanks.
All Replies (4)
Use the chrome URI instead (see the title bar in View Page Source):
- chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/extensions.xul
- chrome://browser/content/downloads/contentAreaDownloadsView.xul
Hmm, it doesn't seem to be working.
You do mean
<a href="chrome://browser/content/downloads/contentAreaDownloadsView.xul">Downloads</a>
Still no dice. Is this possible?
No. That isn't possible with code on a page loaded in a browser. Only an extension that has chrome privileges would be able to open such a link. You can only create a bookmark to open about: pages