I have the newest version of Windows 10 and every time I restart, it changes my default app back to Edge. How can I prevent this?
After each and every restart I do on my Window 10 PC, it resets my default apps back to the Microsoft defaults. When I reboot, and open Firefox, it says it is not my default browser...so I change it to that and everything is fine until I reboo/restart and then the default become Edge! I have searched everywhere without success so I thought I'd ask here!
All Replies (7)
Not sure but try this : 1. Repair System Registry and Files
(FOR DOING Above & Below - WINDOWS All OTHER VERSIONS - Use Search To Find Command Prompt ** Enter CMD.exe to Find COMMAND PROMPT Then Right Click & RUN AS ADMIN)
To run the SFC command use the Windows key + X keyboard shortcut to open the Power User menu and select Command Prompt (Admin). Type "SFC /SCANNOW" (without quotes or copy/paste) and press Enter. For more information on using SFC, please refer to the Microsoft KB: Use the System File Checker tool to repair missing or corrupted system files
Run the Windows Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) and System File Checker (SFC) tools as Administrator. The DISM and SFC tools scan the integrity of the Windows image and all protected system files replaces corrupted, damaged and incorrect versions. (FOR DOING Above & Below - WINDOWS All OTHER VERSIONS - Use Search To Find Command Prompt ** Enter CMD.exe to Find COMMAND PROMPT Then Right Click & RUN AS ADMIN)
Windows 10 To run the DISM command use the Windows key + X keyboard shortcut to open the Power User menu, then select Command Prompt (Admin). Type "DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth" (without quotes or copy/paste) and press Enter. While running DISM you may notice the process will appear to pause at 20%. After a few minutes the operation will continue.
Then Reboot then change Firefox to default through Win 10 System then Apps then Default Apps.
In Firefox open Tools then Options make sure there is a Tick in Make Sure Firefox IS your Default Browser.
If need further help please list what Firefox Version you are running as you have send Mozilla info turned off. Please list your Extensions as well.
Fyi: Newest Firefox is 56.0.2 released 25/10/17
Please let us know if this solved your issue or if need further assistance.
Tried that and it didn't make any difference. I am using FireFox Quantum 57.0b12 (64bit) but I has this same problem before I updated to Quantum. I don't think this is a Firefox issue, but a windows issue... I only asked it here thinking someone else who used Firefox may have had this same problem and found a fix
The fix should be to run DISM and repair Win 10 files. DiSM goes up to Microsoft and gets the files while SFC uses local files found on your cpu.
And the answer to your question is that your the only one that has reported this issue.
So if you have found a answer to your question let's close this off. Please let us know if this solved your issue or if need further assistance.
well I tried the DISM and it still removed the defaults I set to the Microsoft defaults when I reboot. does anyone know of a script or batch file I can make to run on startup to change the defaults to what I want?
No as your issue is with Windows changing your default. This is not a Firefox issue. Try : https://www.howtogeek.com/223144/how-to-set-your-default-apps-in-windows-10/
Failing that continue your support search in windows forums. https://www.tenforums.com/ https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/f/229/windows-10-support/ https://www.windows10forums.com/ https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/support-windows-10.aspx
Please let us know if this solved your issue or if need further assistance.
I tried all this too, and it also didn't work
It's almost like my firefox is being hijacked by another program everytime it opens. ANd it erases everything that I've done when the computer shuts down.
Kellly மூலமாக
it is being hijacked windows has a file that i cant find that let edge pop when i try to make firefox my default browser,. dfinately windows, has done it , they will do anything to make edge the go to browser, not because you want to but its the only choice we have, i tried uninstalling edge, and that didnt do it, so windows has a file somewhere in t he system but it isnt named anything like edge, i tried to find it, i wont give till i find that hijack file and delete it. it s like those 3rd party search engines that take over your google settings, that used to be difficult to get rid of , but now ts a simple fix... this issue with edge is a simple fix also. i got to find the file and get rid of it.