How do I stop a email that I sent, that now keeps coming back as "fail", again and again and again without me trying to send it again?!
I'm retired and I sent an email to a buddy back at work ( U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) It ends; @usace.army.mil. The email keeps coming back "fail" even though I only sent it once. How do I stop the system from continually trying to re-send the email. I've contacted my buddy on the phone and he said I've got the right email address, yet it keeps coming back "fail". ????
All Replies (2)
Some mail servers will continue to attempt delivery for as much as 72 hours. One thing you need to take particular notice of is the failure reason. What is it?
Thanks Matt. I looked as you suggested and it mostly says "Permanent Error" As you can see below. (I copied and pasted what I kept getting back from them.) Hopefully it'll stop after 72 hours. Thanks again for your efforts and consideration. :>)
This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.
Delivery to the following recipients failed permanently:
* thomas.g.stedman@usace.army.mil
Reason: Permanent Error
Reporting-MTA: dns; resqmta-po-07v.sys.comcast.net [] Received-From-MTA: dns; resomta-po-17v.sys.comcast.net [] Arrival-Date: Tue, 09 Jan 2018 05:28:14 +0000
Final-recipient: rfc822; thomas.g.stedman@usace.army.mil
Diagnostic-Code: smtp;
Last-attempt-Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2018 07:21:15 +0000
Received: from resomta-po-17v.sys.comcast.net ([])
by resqmta-po-07v.sys.comcast.net with ESMTP
id YmRwebEKemVsPYmSMe0wve; Tue, 09 Jan 2018 05:28:14 +0000
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=comcast.net;
s=q20161114; t=1515475694;
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by resomta-po-17v.sys.comcast.net with SMTP
id YmSAeMBshZi66YmSFeHJzh; Tue, 09 Jan 2018 05:28:11 +0000
To: "Thomas S.-work" <Thomas.G.Stedman@usace.army.mil>
From: Mark & Jo Anne <merlot1@comcast.net>
Subject: TEST
Message-ID: <9fbc37af-98cd-8557-bc15-abfc170997b8@comcast.net>
Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2018 21:28:02 -0800
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