Screenshot tool: how to make popup disappear automatically?
The built-in screenshot tool is very useful but these popup messages ("Your shot has been copied to the clipboard") are so annoying. Popups don't disappear automatically and you need to click on it every single time you take a screenshot. These little nuances are ruining my user experience of using FireFox because I take screenshots often. Is there any way to make it disappear in X seconds? I didn't find any in about:config. PS: Sorry for engrish.
All Replies (2)
Its firefox inbuilt feature and i don't think you can change this. but however instead of clicking on copy just click on download.
Hope it helps. Thank You.
Shashank Shekhar said
Hello, Its firefox inbuilt feature and i don't think you can change this. but however instead of clicking on copy just click on download.
Ok, I hear you. This is sad because it forces me to use a third-party screenshot tool. Downloading wont help very much because pasting screenshot from clipboard is just more useful for me.
I find it strange to make notify messages permanent. What's the point of showing such message forever? It should disappear in a few seconds in my opinion...