Keep the unread state without get notified
Hi everybody :)
I subscribed to certain mailing list and I get all the thread replies notifications and sometimes it is annoying and it disturbs me but for as much I wish to be able to consult later all the threads which I did not read.
So with filter rules I want to find a way to move an incoming email in a given folder in keeping the unread state but without get notified. So later, in this folder I will see which are the unread threads without having been disturbed in any way when they arrived.
I have not found a way to achieve this.
An idea ?
Thank you in advance. With adelphity estebann
All Replies (8)
Just turn of notification of new mail would be my suggestion. They are actually counter productive and increase the stress levels in an office.
I agree with you but sometimes it is the only channel to communicate with somebody. Furthermore I have the problem effectively in my job's office but also at home on my personal time.
Nobody have a solution ? An existing add-on module or an old one ? A hidden configuration element ?
As nobody answer me I made the same demand on TB 'chat. Maybe I will have better chance with it ...
estebann said
As nobody answer me I made the same demand on TB 'chat. Maybe I will have better chance with it ...
Funny how making demands of volunteer folk really is more counterproductive than you could imagine. If you want to make suggestions, use the feedback link on the Thunderbird help menu.
You want to do something that can't apparently be done at this time. That qualifies as a suggestion. Demands have no place here at all. Goodbye and good luck.
Funny how making demands of volunteer folk really is more counterproductive than you could imagine. If you want to make suggestions, use the feedback link on the Thunderbird help menu.
I do not demand nothing. Sorry if I made you think this. I know you spend some time to respond to users on your personal time. But your first proposal does not help so much ... (Q : How to do this ? ... A : Not to use it !). The need is here. So yes when the need is not accomplished I search again and dig further until I determine that it is impossible in reason of unresolved bug, by security or by conception.
You want to do something that can't apparently be done at this time
Solutions exist. From another french generalist forum somebody indicated me an addon that I tested with success : the FiltaQuilla addon (curiously I missed it in my searches) with the Move later hack and from a 'chat dedicated to TB I get also other solutions (Scriptable Notifications - not usefull in my case as it is unbound to the filtering function of TB, Mailbox Alert - not tested).
With adelphity lnj
estebann மூலமாக
Sorry for the duplicate post as it was firstly shown in the thread before be hidding for the moderation.
estebann மூலமாக
estebann said
Sorry for the duplicate post as it was firstly shown in the thread before be hidding for the moderation.
Yes, postings with links are subject to moderation.