the contents of some received messages with gmail are not displayed ("blank" message)
the contents of some received messages with gmail are displayed as a "blank" message.
if i use SHOW ORIGINAL from gmail, it opens ok all the mail coded in multiparts.
if i open it with IE, it opens ok, with text & embedded images
i restarted firefox with all addins disabled, and the same problem, the msg is displayed as an empty msg.
tks in advance
rh00667 மூலமாக
All Replies (14)
Please check if this happens in a new profile. If the new profile is okay, you can Reset Firefox on the old (previous) profile via Help (Alt + H) > Troubleshooting Information.
hi, tks for the reply! but nothing ... :-( - i created a new profile (the same problem) - i reset de firefox (the same) - i restarted in save mode without extensions (the same)
in my first post i forgot to note this: - i receive a emal which has text & embebed images, but it appears EMPTY - see the snapshot - it appears a clip, if you put the mouse over it, it reports 3 pics with the name ATT0.... - these pics are NOT shown, and nothing if i double click over it
BUT if i forward it in the forward appears ALL, the 3 embebeded pics and the text
with IE there is NO problem
tks in advance
Is this an isolated incident or is it happening all around?? Depending on the sender, embedded links, etc. additional context sensitive menus may appear.
I can confirm. I have this problem too. I can't see nothing in the message and if I hit reply or forward, the message appears ok (pictures and all). I also tried safe mode and new profile with no luck.
TTLucian மூலமாக
Please also see this. The Gmail support may also have helpful information.
It's not a Gmail issue and it has nothing to do with Gmail disabling images to protect from unknown senders. The message loads without issue in IE, Chrome and Opera. I also tried on a different computer and the problem is the same. The images show Firefox and Opera, same message.
Have you tried the inner scroll bar?? Firefox seems to have much more content.
OMG!!! That's the Reply message.As I've said, if I hit the reply or forward buttons, the content shows up in the compose message frame. The original message doesn't show any content except for those blue vertical lines. Look more closely at the picture!
Really sorry about that overlook. Is it with inline images or is it happening on linked images?? Both types seem to work. Inline images appear automatically and linked images either appear automatically depending on the contact settings or after clicking Display images below. One of the working suggestions seems to be to disable Always use HTTPS in Gmail, though personally that's not my setting and I wouldn't recommend that. Can you please try to CC a mail to yourself from Gmail (i.e. send to the same address as the signed in address); in the compose page, using insert (insert icon) you can attach both inline and linked image types. The mail would usually come immediately.
hi All, tks for your comments. sorry by delay. please note the following:
1- if i use the standard view of gmail, i have the problem in the msg received, BUT NOT in the reply or forward it. this was already clear, the same for TTLucian
2- if i use the basic html view there is NO PROBLEM. the received msg is COMPLETE without problem.
3- in both cases i opened the source pace of the firefox (tools -> web developer -> page Source) (ctrl-U)
4- then i searched some text string which is NOT seen in the standard view (bad view), but is seen in the basic html view (good view)
5- this string DOESN'T appears in one source, but of course appears in the other
6- so, now, i'm not complete clear, if the info received from gmail is complete and filtered (corrupted) by firefox, OR gmail is sending a partial or corrupted stream in basis of some information sent by firefox during the request ????
7- maybe gmail takes wronly this info, and filter some types of frames, thinking that can't be processed by the browser ??????????
tks a lot for your comments & criteria my best
- i don't know how can i sniff the input stream from gmail, because the connection is secure (https).
- is there some debug option in firefox where i can see the stream in in clear text?
my best
rh00667 மூலமாக
You can try the inbuilt Web Console. Clicking on the GET, POST links would provide more info.
wow, dumdidadida, tks a lot! it seems very nice (i didn't know about this). i will play with it and try to understand the problem. i will come back .... my best
rh00667 மூலமாக
No problem :)