add words to change in spell check
Is there a way to add words to the menu in the spell check? Here is a video showing more detail.
All Replies (4)
Of course you do not need to add the word "and" to the dictionary...
I'm not sure how the spelling suggestions are generated. They could be generated by the Hunspell code used to detect misspellings. Hunspell is an open source library shared with Apache Open Office and LibreOffice. http://hunspell.sourceforge.net/ If that is the case, then I'm not sure Mozilla can improve the suggestions independently. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable about these details can chime in.
I wanted to add a gusuggestion. So that when it sees a typo I can tell it which words to use.
Is there a way to do this? TO give suggested corrections for typos? Like ones you want to do.
Sorry, I'm not aware of any way to change how suggestions are generated.
And this appears to be a longstanding issue: Can't find where the automated suggestions for misspelled words can be edited, and yes I googled it. (2012).