if i search for a mail and if its not downloaded on the local storage, will TB look for it on the gmail server ?
I am using TB for my corporate mails with 1 server + 15 Thin Clients network, there are up to 15 mail id's. if i allow TB to download whole inbox then it would download about 150 GB of data. so i have configured TB to download only 30 days mails, but if we are required to search old e mails, then if i search in TB will TB look for the content on Gmail Server?
All Replies (2)
Thunderbird searches through the imap files in Thunderbird profile on your computer. It is not searching the server itself.
If you start from Edit/Find/Search Messages (Ctrl+Shift+F) and check 'Run search on server', I expect it would search all messages, although some of the search criteria are not available, e.g. Attachment Status, and the process would be slower than for downloaded mail.