Yahoo cannot connect my emails to Thunderbird after having bought my previous host (Cox)
Yahoo cannot connect my Thunderbird email to their system. When I go there it pops up that Thunderbird refuses the connection. Yahoo techs say this is a Thunderbird problem. Want to continue to use my Thunderbird. Please Help!
All Replies (3)
I don't know Yahoo well, but this may help: Yahoo requires a different password when using an email client and requires OAUTH2 authentication. This URL may assist: https://help.yahoo.com/kb/SLN15241.html
Also, to clarify, Thunderbird is not refusing the connection -- Yahoo is.
These are the Cox/Yahoo settings:
imap.mail.yahoo.com, 993, or pop.mail.yahoo.com, 995; SSL/TLS, OAuth2 authentication, User Name = Cox email address. Same for outgoing except smtp.mail.yahoo.com, 465.
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