How to move my Address Book from Drive C: to Drive D:
Having moved Thunderbird from Drive C: to Drive D:, space saving, and with everything working very well I note that my Address Book is still on Drive C:. Please advise how to move this to Drive D:. Happy New Year, and apologies for the timing of this question.
All Replies (20)
As you are able to identify the address book data file, you could try copying it into the Profile loaction on the D:\ drive. Don't move it, copy it. Make sure it works.
Thank you for getting back to me quickly. I have identified the folder containing abook on Drive C:, but do have two folders on D: which contain the older and un-updated abook. One is in Thunderbird Mail\ and the second is in as before \Local Folders\. Neither have been updated since I completed this move, and although it is quite possible I added abook to one of these locations, I cannot understand why Thunderbird is looking on C:, and not on D:. All other bits of Thunderbird are working correctly.
Now I'm confused. You seem to be telling me that you already have the old address book in the D:\ drive. The address book is located in: C:\Users\[Name]\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird\Profiles\[XXX].default-release
Sorry, I did think this might be complicated. That C: address is the original location of Thunderbird, and also of abook, and whilst I moved Thunderbird over to D:, I was aware some files should remain on C:. However, thinking all was well, I then realised when I added a new address it had not saved to the abook folder on D:, also discovering I then had abook in two folders on D:. The newly saved abook was in that C: folder. I don't think you are saying abook should only be on C:. If I copy abook over to either of those locations on D: I suspect when next updated it will still save to C:.
It is possible, although everything else in TBird is working well, that the transfer I made has created errors, or created this problem.
As no one else more knowledgeable has joined the thread, I'll offer some thoughts... ...I'm not sure what you mean by 'Transfer'. The way I would have done it would have been to treat it as a moving of TB from one computer to another. I would have made sure that TB on C:\ was the current version and then backed up the profiles ready to move over to the new installation. Then, before installing a new TB on D:\, I would've made sure that TB on C:\ didn't go on line, switching off automatic email download. I may even have deleted TB on C:\. Not sure. Then I would have installed TB on D:\ and inserted the old profile. All done following the help file here: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/profile-manager-create-and-remove-thunderbird-profiles
Having moved Thunderbird from Drive C: to Drive D:
You'd have to explain in more detail what that means and what exactly you did.
Transfer really means moved the app from C: to D:. I started this move several months ago, and from memory I may indeed have backed it up, and installed the App on D: then started to move the Profiles across, but certainly did not disable any download. I then copied over the Profile folders and altered, or made sure the settings of the new App pointed to D:.
I had problems with where the new app was looking, and I did have considerable from one of your colleagues, up until I thought it was all working well. But recently discovered this one issue, and am asking for help again.
I had not seen that article, sorry, that would have helped.
I'm not quite sure how any of this would work (I am pleading ignorance!). Windows has, for a fair while now, not been happy to keep data files sitting alongside the program itself. This used to be the way with an old email client I used to use called 'Agent'. Everything sat in the C:\Program Files folder. But Microsoft changed this and caused data files to be in the C:\Users file (where C:\ is where the Windows OS is also located). What would happen if you dragged the installation file onto the D:\ drive and proceeded, I don't know. I think someone else needs to give you input here.
I then copied over the Profile folders and altered, or made sure the settings of the new App pointed to D:.
Are you saying you do have multiple profiles?
What is your current profile folder - please provide the full path, including the folder name. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/profiles-where-thunderbird-stores-user-data#w_how-do-i-find-my-profile
What does "the new App pointed to D:" mean? What exactly did you do?
I have four profiles, four email accounts, in Thunderbird, including one gmail account. All four are in this folder.
D:\Thunderbird Profiles\Thunderbird Mail Alan Macleay
In Settings I can set in Message Storage and the Local Directory.
Is that data files alongside the program? I didn't think so.
I have four profiles, four email accounts, in Thunderbird, including one gmail account.
So are you saying you do have four profiles, each with one email account? That wouldn't make much sense to me. Presumably you do have one profile with four email accounts? Terminology matters.
All four are in this folder.
I doubt that D:\Thunderbird Profiles\Thunderbird Mail\Alan Macleay is your actual profile folder.
In Settings I can set in Message Storage and the Local Directory.
That's what I thought. So presumably all you did is moving the storage location for your email accounts. But that does not move the profile.
Did you follow the link given above with instructions to determine the location of your profile folder? My best guess is you didn't. If I'm correct, please do so, and confirm what's your actual profile folder.
Is that data files alongside the program? I didn't think so.
You're right. All your data such as messages, passwords and user preferences, and changes made while you use Thunderbird, are stored in a special folder called a profile. Your profile folder is stored in a separate place from the Thunderbird program, so that if something ever goes wrong with Thunderbird your information will still be there. It also means that you can uninstall Thunderbird and reinstall without losing your settings and data.
C:\Users\Alan Macleay\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird\Profiles\nn70px6e.default-esr
If this helps this is the address for my Profile on C: which also contains abook.
This might help. abook is uptodate but mail has not changed. Received mail is saved on Drive D:
I am struggling here.
I am struggling here.
Well, Thunderbird is exactly doing what you told it to do. Your profile folder always was and still is at C:\Users\Alan Macleay\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird\Profiles\nn70px6e.default-esr since you never changed the location of the profile.
As stated above, all your data such as address books, passwords and user preferences is stored in the profile. In your case the exception is for messages, as you did change the 'Local Directory' setting for each of your four accounts to D:\Thunderbird Profiles\Thunderbird Mail\Alan Macleay.
Messing with the 'Local Directory' setting looks like a good idea initially, however, few people really understand what they are doing, and most attempting this approach will create a mess.
Now, what to do with this is up to you. Since everything is working I'd suggest you
- Create backups of both, your actual profile folder on the C: drive, as well as the folder with your mail on the D: drive.
- Keep the profile folder in place on the C: drive including the address book(s).
- Delete the now orphan mail folders in the actual profile on the C: drive. This will free up disk space on C:, which presumably was the idea in the first place.
- Keep the mail folders on the D: drive.
- Delete any orphan files you may have copied over manually to the D: drive, e.g. like the address books.
You may want to do this while Thunderbird is closed, just in case. If anything goes wrong you can restore your data anytime from the folder backups you created before.
If you're uncertain what to delete, please ask, before doing something silly.
christ1 மூலமாக
You are correct I did not use that link. Now I have I find my Profiles are indeed still on C:, and that I should create a new Profile. But before I do I have some questions. Do I now specify this is on Drive D:? Should I back up anything before I do this? I am struggling here! In principle I think I create my new Profile, which I think will be on C:, do I then specify where data for this Profile is stored? I then somehow copy the data over to the new profile, which will be on D:, then once confirmed, I can delete the old Profile at will. With this process will abook be automatically copied on to the data on D:? Running this operation with Thunderbird open, is the only issue that I could lose emails?
I am nervous about this next stage and would appreciate some confirmation before I go too far.
Thank you very much for your help.
I have two other Profiles which are Default and Default-ESR-1, which are not Default Profiles. Both are on Drive C:, and I was aware of them and knew they did not "work". Can they be deleted? Or can I be deleted and the other changed made the new Default Profile?
Sorry. I sent another message which seems have not gone. I have two other Profiles, not default. Should I remove one and change the settings of the other? I was aware of the other Profiles, did not know what to do with them.
Thanks very much for your help. Looking at your time I am presuming you may now have stopped work.
Christ1 gave excellent advice. I suggest you follow that first. You have profile on c and data files on D. You're in good shape, but just need to get all back together. Seeing screenshot of your local folders folder might help, and one of your data folder on D. Then, those here can help verify the settings.
I find my Profiles are indeed still on C:, and that I should create a new Profile.
You're not supposed to create a new profile. Why would you want to do that anyway? You already have a working profile.
I have two other Profiles which are Default and Default-ESR-1, which are not Default Profiles...Can they be deleted?
For the time being just leave them alone.
Thanks for all your advice, it has been really helpful. Sorry I have not been back in touch, had to stop. But now plan to work on this in the morning. I will begin making copies of what I currently have, then I will begin.
I will work with the Default Profile, which works, and will work with TBird off. I continue to presume that I should change those C: addresses to D: addresses. But this is where I do need further help. Currently Thunderbird Profiles on D: has the four emails and Local Folders. Is this the folder I should set it to?
Will be in touch in the morning.