Issue with Browser.
I've been using Firefox as my browser for a few years. I have to explain this. I turned 65 this year so I had to sign up for medicare. You have to go to the Social Security web site to sign up for medicare. I've had an acct with SS for a long time. When you log in it, it now gives you a choice. It tells you the normal log in "My SS" will eventually be stopped. They give you a choice of "Login.gov" I forgot the other, both telling you that you have to set up a 2nd type of authentication that it's you. So I purchased and installed a fingerprint scanner. I love it. I created an acct with login.gov. After logging in the next step is the fingerprint. You click on it the color things start swirling around trying to pick up the scanner but this box at the same time appears over it preventing login from seeing it. It says "this is a request from firefox" I've been using Turbotax for a year or two. Last week I logged into my acct with them and right away it popped up it see's the scanner and let me sign in with the fingerprinrt. So I know it works, and other sites do see it. Please Help! I'm not very technical with this stuff. Is it from Firefox or is it my PC? Attached is a pic of what I get trying to log in. You can zoom in on it.
All Replies (1)
Users on here can't help you login to protected site that would require a trust family member be there to help you login and see your account. That popup comes from the site through Firefox browser not from Firefox browser people get this confused when it comes through the browser.