While redirecting from http url to https url(under sub-domain), it shows insecure warning icon on first loading
I have an eCommerce website and Checkout pages are under sub-domain with ssl certificate. While i am going to redirect from shopping cart page(http-url) to checkout page(https-url), it shows insecure icon with triangle symbol on first loading. If we refresh the page, it shows secure icon. Note: the page itself redirecting 3 times.
All Replies (4)
hello, please go to firefox > web developer > web console & enable the logging of notifications related to security in the console. then try to test the checkout process again and see if there are any messages regarding mixed content showing up in the console...
Thanks for your message. I checked on it. There is no messages in it.
is this a public page where you could provide a link to?
Here is the output from web console.
15:45:50.119 Error in parsing value for 'cursor'. Declaration dropped. checkout_payment.css:256
15:45:50.120 Error in parsing value for 'font'. Declaration dropped. checkout_payment.css:512
15:45:50.125 Unknown property '-moz-opacity'. Declaration dropped. checkout_payment.css:3555
15:45:50.125 Expected 'none' or URL but found 'alpha('. Error in parsing value for 'filter'. Declaration dropped. checkout_payment.css:3558
15:45:50.129 Unrecognized at-rule or error parsing at-rule '@charset'. checkout_payment.css:5744
15:45:50.363 Error in parsing value for 'font'. Declaration dropped. new_style_latex_secure.css:1503
15:45:50.364 Error in parsing value for 'font'. Declaration dropped. new_style_latex_secure.css:1525
15:45:50.364 Error in parsing value for 'top'. Declaration dropped. new_style_latex_secure.css:1980
15:45:50.467 SyntaxError: Using //@ to indicate sourceMappingURL pragmas is deprecated. Use //# instead jquery.min.js:1
15:45:50.475 Error: https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js is being assigned a //# sourceMappingURL, but already has one
15:45:50.587 Unknown property '-moz-border-radius'. Declaration dropped. checkout_payment.php:740
15:45:50.595 ReferenceError: cvtJsHost is not defined checkout_payment.php:811
15:45:50.607 SyntaxError: unterminated string literal checkout_payment.php:863
15:45:50.949 Expected color but found 'none'. Error in parsing value for 'background-color'. Declaration dropped. checkout_payment.php:1164
15:45:53.169 TypeError: document.getElementById(...) is null checkout_payment.php:1775
15:45:55.028 Selector expected. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. checkout_payment.php:1
15:45:55.028 Unexpected end of file while searching for closing } of invalid rule set. checkout_payment.php:1
15:45:55.034 Unknown property 'font-color'. Declaration dropped. checkout_payment.php:1891
15:45:55.414 SyntaxError: Using //@ to indicate sourceMappingURL pragmas is deprecated. Use //# instead jquery.min.js:1
15:45:55.422 Error: https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js is being assigned a //# sourceMappingURL, but already has one
15:45:56.842 TypeError: element.tagName is undefined prototype.js:1821
15:45:56.846 Unknown property 'box-sizing'. Declaration dropped. checkout_payment.php
15:45:57.267 Use of getPreventDefault() is deprecated. Use defaultPrevented instead. jquery.min.js:3
15:45:57.269 TypeError: document.getElementById(...) is null checkout_payment.php:721
15:46:04.908 GET https://www.zazachat.com/livechatclient/jsutil/getinvitationmessage.aspx [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 239ms]
15:46:06.297 GET https://www.zazachat.com/livechatclient/jsutil/getinvitationmessage.aspx [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 235ms]
Suresh மூலமாக