How to print tiff image using javascript
Hi, I am using html button print tiff image. When I click on "Print" button new window gets opened. Below is the code
var printThis = image tag with src set to image path win = window.open(); self.focus(); win.document.open(); win.document.write('<style>body { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; }</style>'); win.document.html(printThis); win.document.write(''); win.document.close(); win.print(); win.close();
this code do not show any image on new window. If I replace "printThis" as below
var printThis = '<embed id="pre" access="4" src="' + imgName + '" type="image/tiff" width="100%" />';
It will show me image but, If I print the page then it will do not print anything.
I am using AlternaTIFF to show tiff images. please suggest me solution for this. I am not getting answer on this.
I am using html button print tiff image. When I click on "Print" button new window gets opened. Below is the code
var printThis = image tag with src set to image path
win = window.open();
win.document.write('<html><head><style>body { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; }</style></head><body>');
this code do not show any image on new window.
If I replace "printThis" as below
var printThis = '<embed id="pre" access="4" src="' + imgName + '" type="image/tiff" width="100%" />';
It will show me image but, If I print the page then it will do not print anything.
I am using AlternaTIFF to show tiff images.
please suggest me solution for this. I am not getting answer on this.
เปลี่ยนแปลงโดย Pritesh.Paul เมื่อ