Good morning, Regrettably, I cannot use Thunderbird for Adresses containing a German "ü" or other signs in UTF8. It is refused by "Senden der Nachricht fehlgeschlagen. Der lokale Teil der Empfängeradresse "...ü...@arcor.de" enthält ASCII-fremde Zeichen. Ihr Server unterstützt SMTPUTF8 nicht. Bitte ändern Sie die Adresse und versuchen Sie es erneut."
And more regrettably and astonishlingly, there is no single attempt after asking this or part of this very helpless error message. Hope You can solve this severe bug, and sorry for taking Your time. Best wishes Hans J. Holm
เปลี่ยนแปลงโดย hjjaholm@arcor.de เมื่อ
การตอบกลับทั้งหมด (12)
Does ursula.xx--xxx-xxx@arcor.de work?
เปลี่ยนแปลงโดย Wayne Mery เมื่อ
I have posted a suggestion but the post needs moderator approval so it may be delayed.
It seems that the moderation of the post is very delayed. I suggest in it that you try a decoded email address which is ursula.xn--hhn to the left of the ampersand (@) and arcor-q9a.de to the right.
Let me know if it works.
เปลี่ยนแปลงโดย frisée เมื่อ
I have used a decoder to try and change the characters into something that will be read by the servers.
Try ursula.xn--hhn to the left of the at sign and arcor-q9a.de to the right. Let me know if it works, please
Unfortunately, my previous attempts at sending you this info seem to have been rejected.
I have been trying to send you a suggestion but, unfortunately, my replies seem to have got clogged under moderator rules. I put the email you posted through a Punycode converter (converts ACII text to an alternative for urls) in the hope that it might work with the email address. I would suggest that you research this and see if it might provide you with a solution. Apologies that, to date, I have been unable to get you this suggestion.
frisée said
I have been trying to send you a suggestion but, unfortunately, my replies seem to have got clogged under moderator rules. I put the email you posted through a Punycode converter (converts ACII text to an alternative for urls) in the hope that it might work with the email address. I would suggest that you research this and see if it might provide you with a solution. Apologies that, to date, I have been unable to get you this suggestion.
Please do not use the personal e-mail-Adress and cancel it, I copied it erroneously and without permission. - I have now modified the text. I got Your answers by e-mail, but still do not see the solution. Do You suggest to download an app "punicode"?? or what? Best, Hans
I wouldn't use an email address - all contact should only be on and through the Forum.
I was puzzling over how to convert the umlaut and found a thread that mentioned that urls (web addresses) with some non-ASCII characters can be converted into a format that will be recognised. To do this, some conversion sites were recommended (no Apps - nothing needs to be installed) where you type in the full url and it's converted to a different format. When I trialed it, it worked.
My guess is that it would work on an email address, too - I don't know if it will but I thought it was worth a go. So, I found a Punycode Converter that had been recommended on Punycoder and converted the full email address - which I then posted to you and suggested that you try.
I don't know whether this will work but, as no one else has responded, I thought it would be worth a go. I can't paste any direct link in as it goes straight to a moderator for approval - and I think they're currently asleep :).
Do let me know if it works so I can store it as a solution for next time.
frisée said
I wouldn't use an email address - all contact should only be on and through the Forum. I was puzzling over how to convert the umlaut and found a thread that mentioned that urls (web addresses) with some non-ASCII characters can be converted into a format that will be recognised. To do this, some conversion sites were recommended (no Apps - nothing needs to be installed) where you type in the full url and it's converted to a different format. When I trialed it, it worked. My guess is that it would work on an email address, too - I don't know if it will but I thought it was worth a go. So, I found a Punycode Converter that had been recommended on Punycoder and converted the full email address - which I then posted to you and suggested that you try. I don't know whether this will work but, as no one else has responded, I thought it would be worth a go. I can't paste any direct link in as it goes straight to a moderator for approval - and I think they're currently asleep :). Do let me know if it works so I can store it as a solution for next time.
Dear frisee, regrettably it does not work for e-mail adresses, nevertheless, thanks for trying to help me (and others) Hans
Hi, again,
I've been doing some more reading. I found an email solutions page that said that *only* the name to the left of 'at' sign should be run through the converter and then added to the domain name of the server.
It's worth another go - solutions are sometimes trial and error!
Sorry, I have a lot of other problems and it is really miserable to muddle through all thes differen web-Pages, in particular, I cannot answer or find back to mozilla from the e-mail copy. ... I'll try again, but do not believe it works with e-mails. best Hans.
Have you tried using ascii codes, such as pressing alt key and then entering the appropriate ascii code? For example, I think the ascii code for lowercase umlaut is 0252. When you are editing message, highlight the email address, place cursor in position, press alt key and while holding, enter the appropriate four-digit code.
Thank You all. No one of the suggestions helps because it is a Vodafone problem. I now leave the discussion. best wishes, Hans