Import/Übertrag auf neuen Computer
mein alter Rechner ist "gestorben", weshalb ich einen neuen brauchte. Vom alten Rechner hatte ich die drei Postfächer, mit denen ich "arbeite" gesichert und nun versucht, diese in der neuen thunderbird-Installation auf dem neuen Rechner einzuhängen, schrittweise, so wie in den FAQs zum Thema Import beschrieben.
Aber: Die alten Postfächer/Inhalte werden nicht angezeigt. Sie sind aber im Zielverzeichnis ".thunderbird" zu sehen und an der richtigen Stelle.
Ich bitte um Hilfestellung zur Problemlösung.
Danke im Voraus.
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You did not explain the details. The screenshot looks like the contents of the thunderbird folder. did you paste it into c:\users\<yourid>\appdata\roaming while thunderbird was not running? Did you get prompted immediately to create a new account? Knowing that will help. Are you wanting to retrieve message folders for a POP account or from Local Folders? Thanks
Hello David, thanks for your questions and your reply. Local folders from a data backup (from an SSD) of POP3-mailboxes (three pieces) were copied to the target directory ".thunderbird". Immediately after that, I restarted TB and got the setup dialog for setting up a mailbox/create a new account. For me the signal that the "superated" of the old mailboxes did not work. They are not visible in the other tab of the TB either. Maybe you need to rewrite the ini-file to drag the right folders? Best greetings
Holà, Offenbar benutzt du Linux. POP oder IMAP? Einfach nur Postfächer (Accounts oder Konten) übertragen ist nicht die einfachste Methode zur Migration der Thunderbird-Daten von einem PC auf einen neuen PC. In der Regel ist es am einfachsten, den Ordner Thunderbird bzw .thunderbird (unter Linux) vom alten PC auf den neuen zu übertragen und bei beendetem Thunderbird im entsprechenden Verzeichnis einzufügen. Eine andere Möglichkeit wäre, das zuletzt benutzte Profil (bzw. den Profilordner) vom alten PC zu kopieren, auf dem neuen PC im Verzeichnis .thunderbird einzufügen und dann mittels des Profil-Managers neu einzubinden. Wenn dein Screenshot die neue Installation anzeigt, dann fällt auf, dass sie vier verschiedene Profile enthält. Es ist völlig unklar, welches das aktuelle Profil ist. Falls du nur die Profilordner vom alten auf den neuen PC übertragen hast, dann kann das nicht funktionieren, denn TB befragt beim Start die profiles.ini Datei um zu wissen, welches Profil zu öffnen ist. Wenn du also die profiles.ini nicht vom alten PC kopiert und in .thunderbird eingefügt hast, klappt das nicht.
If the intent is to move message folders to Local Storage, that may be insufficient for thunderbird to identify the profile. That is, if you successfully place message folders in the Mail\Local Folders folder of a new profile, thunderbird looks to see if there is an account. If not, I believe it creates a new profile. So, my suggestion is to add an account prior to copying those folders in. This is not in disagreement with @Mapenzi, as that individual provides excellent advice; the issue may be no understanding exactly what your full intent is.
Hola @Mapenzi! Hello @David!
The problem is solved "almost", but...
Now I only miss the self-created folder-structure within one of the mailboxes. In the profile subtree that i haved copied, I find the missed folders under "Archives.sdb", but they are not displayed in the corresponding mailbox. SDB looks like a database? How do I reconnect it?
In the settings of TB, there is an "archive function", but it doesn't have anything to do with the "Archives.sdb" in the folder structure of the .thunderbird directory, right?
Would I be pleased if you had an idea/solution for the last step? Thanks in forward.
My fault with the profiles was: I had only copied/inserted the explicit profiles from the old TB under the new one, without the *.ini's.
However, i had A) removed the new .thunderbird directory in the personal area and B) substituted it by the old .thunderbird. Ready. For me, this did not come out of the instructions.
mizim.berlin said
Now I only miss the self-created folder-structure within one of the mailboxes. In the profile subtree that i haved copied, I find the missed folders under "Archives.sdb", but they are not displayed in the corresponding mailbox. SDB looks like a database? How do I reconnect it?
The .sbd folder corresponds to a folder with subfolders in Thunderbird. So it contains the mboxes of the subfolders. Please verify if there is an "Archives" file (without extension) together with the "Archives.sbd" folder. If it misses you have to create it with a text editor. Your system will add the extension .txt to the new file, you'll have to delete the extension .txt.
To the rest of your message I'll reply later
mizim.berlin said
In the settings of TB, there is an "archive function", but it doesn't have anything to do with the "Archives.sdb" in the folder structure of the .thunderbird directory, right?
I cannot reply to this question without knowing where this "Archives.sdb" is located in your profile folder. If you use the "Archive" button (or the key "A") for the first time in an account, Thunderbird by default will create an "Archives" folder in this account with a subfolder of the current year which contains the year's archived messages. So for a POP account you'll see in the profile "Mail" folder > account folder "pop.xxx.xx" an (empty) "Archives" mbox file together with the "Archives.sbd" folder (containing the year subfolders such as 2023, 2024, 2025, ...) and the index file "Archives.msf", the latter containing no messages.
But you are free to manually create an "Archives" folder in the Local Folders with thematic subfolders. Thus you would find an "Archives" file, an "Archives.sbd" folder and the "Archives.msf" file in Local Folders in the profile.
mizim.berlin said
Would I be pleased if you had an idea/solution for the last step? Thanks in forward.
Sorry, I don't remember which was the "last" step!
With "the last step" i meant the insert/viewability of the archive-folders.
In one of the profiles i have a folder archives.sdb with a file "archive" in it and without an ending-suffix. It's size is clear = 0 0byte.
As i told before, i copied/substituted the whole old folder. In the old structure/thunderbird i saw the folders. When i click (file-manager "nemo") on archive.sdb, i see the named missed sub-folders.
mizim.berlin said
With "the last step" i meant the insert/viewability of the archive-folders.
Does Thunderbird display an "Archives" folder (in an account or in the Local Folders) but without the subfolders?
mizim.berlin said
In one of the profiles i have a folder archives.sdb with a file "archive" in it and without an ending-suffix. It's size is clear = 0 0byte.
To be precise: your folder should be named "Archives.sbd" (and not sdb) and the corresponding mbox file "Archives" . Maybe these are typos but if your folder really is named "Archives.sdb" and the mbox file "archive" this won't work. I have no other explanation!! So please verify the spellings and show us new screen copies of the contents of your Archives.sbd folder.
You're right, it's ...sbd.
In the following attachment you can see the folder-structure. is it helpful??
Your "Archives" mbox file has a strange icon! It should have a similar icon as the Drafts and the Inbox mbox files. Open a text editor and save the empty file unter the name "Archives" without an extension. Your OS will certainly add the suffixe .txt which you must delete before replacing the strange Archives file with the one you just created. N.B Thunderbird must be closed during these manipulations. Then restart TB....