How do I remove Bing from my toolbar at the top of the page. I have already tried both of the suggestions given in the help section; I could not find Bing in my control panel "add and remove programs," and there was one other suggestion which I also tried
locking due the age of this thread - asked and answered
I have tried all of the suggestions given by FF in order to remove Bing from my computer but nothing seems to work. I would appreciate some advise. For instance when I go to add and remove programs I can't even find Bing listed. Looking forward to your suggestions. Thanks.
This happened
Every time Firefox opened
== I first installed Firefox
เปลี่ยนแปลงโดย the-edmeister เมื่อ
Sorry, I was trying to Bold the words "tools" "Options" "General". and didn't use the B correctly. Just delete the words Text above.
อ่านคำตอบนี้ในบริบท 👍 0การตอบกลับทั้งหมด (18)
I removed it from my control panel>add/remove programs. I am unable to make it go away.
I want to remove bing tool bar. how do i do this. it is not on the control panel remove program list.
Dear Kimberly:
I tried what you suggested even before I asked the original question. My problem is that I do not see a program in my control panel listing of programs marked "Bing." I see a lot of Microsoft programs but they don't say Bing and I do not think is wise of me to start deleting microsoft program when I am running XP.
Can to tell me exactly which file to delete in order to ride of Bing once and for all. Thank you Kimberly.
Regards, Sandy
See this - it might be under the Search Helper Extension name in the Addons Manager. https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Removing+the+Search+Helper+Extension+and+Bing+Bar
In Add or Remove Programs, do you see something like "Search Toolbar" or "Search Bar 1.#.#"? That is probably it. Scroll down to SEO Expert's answer here: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100130021137AAYv4RT
I opened up and the Bing screen was on my Firefox. After searching several places I found a very simple solution: texttoolstext to textOptionstext choose textGeneraltext. Under "homepage" click "Restore to Default". Save and I had my Google search back!
Sorry, I was trying to Bold the words "tools" "Options" "General". and didn't use the B correctly. Just delete the words Text above.
In the add or remove programs choose to delete the MSN toolbar. If you are using MSN for your email then I don't know how that will effect that but it takes the toolbar off of the mozilla page.
เปลี่ยนแปลงโดย theclyde เมื่อ
This was driving me nut for a while, but the solution is simple. Right click on Tools, then uncheck the Tool Bar. And that gets rid of Bing!!!!
I was able to solve the Bing problem by going to "Tools", "Add-ons", "Extensions", then down to "Search Toolbar". I uninstalled the "Search Toolbar" and restarted Firefox. Problem solved! At least for now!
Right click "Tools". Uncheck "Search Toolbars".
เปลี่ยนแปลงโดย bilvis99 เมื่อ
just wanted to say thanks for helping me get rid of the Bing toolbar!!..it was a big nuisance!!
Thank you sooo much dgrantto. It was so easy after all the time I spent trying to get rid of the msn game toolbar. Thank You, Thank You.
Firefox changes from version to version (good or bad -- that's life). Please specify the version for which your solution worked. For 3.6.13 (Jan 1, 2011) none of the solutions posted worked for me. No Search Toolbars under Right Click Tools No Bing in uninstall programs Restore default destroys my choices of Home
Solution: Right Click the Menu Bar (the one with File, Edit, View, ...) Choose Customize. A dialog box will appear with instructions which say: Just click and hold the Bing Search bar and drag it to the window. Bing Search Bar is gone
This may have been posted. 266 replies is a lot of replies to read
I got bing every time I opened Firefox. I tried the suggestions to delete bing in Firefox w/o success. Then it dawned on me to go to my preferred search machine and search how to make them my home page. That worked for me. No more bing. (I have windows 7). Hope this helps.
I GOT RID OF THE BING TOOLBAR!!! From your desktop click on Start, then below the "All Programs" button enter "System Restore" into the search bar. Restore your computer to a date before the Bing Toolbar showed up. It's gone, but I don't know yet if it will stay gone. I will be careful what I click on to try to make sure that I don't ask for it without knowing it.
If you're using the latest version of FireFox many of the suggestions listed above won't work: try this instead.
Right Click "Tools"
Select "Customize..."
This will bring up a screen titled "Customize Toolbar" with a hand in place of your mouse pointer. Grab the Bing Toolbar (it's outside of the menu) with the hand and drag it into the Customize Toolbar window and drop it. The Bing Toolbar will disappear from your address line.