Go dirisa maranyane a Firefox a a tlholang mokwalo

Firefox Firefox Created:

Firefox e tlhola mokwalo ka itiriso fa o tsenya mafoko mo mabokosong a mokwalo e e nang le mela e e fetang bongwe. Fela fa o fetsa go kwala lefoko, e tlhomamisa gore a a lefoko leo le teng mo seoleding sa mafoko. fa lefoko le seyo mo seoleding, o tlaa bona le segetswe mola o mohibidu ko tlase jaaka mo sekaing se se latelang:


  • Go tlhola mokwalo ga itiriso go tshubetswe mabokoso a ditlhaka a a nang le mela e fetang bongwe, fa o kgonang go tsenya palo epe ya ditlhaka tse o di batlang .
  • Gase diteme tsotlhe tse di tlang ka seoledi se se tsentsweng ka mabaka a diteseletso .

Go ntsha go tlhola mokwalo ga itiriso

Ka thulaganyetsoruri, Firefox e dirilwe gore e tlhole mokwalo ka itiriso. Oka e tima mo DithulaganyoDikgethelwa letlhabaphefong:

  1. In the Menu bar at the top of the screen, click Firefox and then select Preferences or Settings, depending on your macOS version.Click the menu button Fx89menuButton and select Settings.
  2. Tlhopha phanele ya Advanced.
  3. Tlhopha thebe ya General.
  4. Dirilola go Tlhola mokwalo fa ke kwala.Spell Checker - Win1
  5. Close the Settings page. Any changes you've made will automatically be saved.
Ntlha: Dithulaganyo dingwe di ka se bonale mo mo letlhabaphefong la dikgethelwa ka thulaganyo ya Firefox.

Paakanyo ya mafoko a a sa kwalwang sentle

Fa tlholo-mafoko e tshubilwe, go motlhofo go baakanya magoko a a sa kwalwang sentle. Go baakanya mafoko a a sa kwalwang sentle, tobetsa-mojatshwara Ctrl Fa o tobetsa e be o tlhopha lefoko le o le tshwaetsweng . 05675f3d603e2607555817580ba1c0c2-1271792700-577-3.png

Fa mafoko a o a tshwaetsweng a sa nyalane, o tshwanetse o le ipaakanyetse. Fa o na le nnete ya gore lefoko le kwadilwe sentle, o kgona go le tsenya mo seoleding, tobetsa-mojatshwara Ctrl fa o tobetsa mo go yone, a bo o tlhophaAdd to Dictionary.

Ntlha: Mafoko a tlaleletso a ama dioledi tsotlhe.

Tsenya Dioledi

O ka tsenya dioledi tse dingwe fa go tlhokega.

  1. Right-clickHold down the Control key while you click mo lebokosong lengwe le lengwe le le nang le mela e fetang bongwe.
  2. Tlhopha Languages.
  3. Tlhopha Add dictionaries....
  4. Mozilla Add-ons Dictionaries page E a supiwa. Go tsenya seoledi mo maranyaneng a go tsenya Firefox, tobetsa "tsenya seoledi" gokaganya le seoledi se o se batlang. Letlhabaphefo la go tsenya serweboleta se tlaa tlhagelela Install Now, mo go tlaa bulang letlhabaphefo la seoketswa, fa o tlaa bonang seoledi se tsenngwa.Spell Checker - Win4
  5. Go tsenya seoledi mo tirisong, tobetsa Restart Now mo selaola dioketswa.

Go fetola dioledi

Morago ga go tsenya seoledi, o ka tsena mo go sone ka go tlhokega. Go fapaanya dioledi tse di tsentsweng tobetsa-mojatobetsa konopo Ctrl fa o ntse o tobetsa fa go nang le mela e mentsi, tobetsa Languages, abo o tlhopha seoledi se o batlang go se dirisa.

Gontsha lefoko le o le tsentseng ka phoso

  1. Open your profile folder:

    • Click the menu button Fx89menuButton, click Help and select More Troubleshooting Information.From the Help menu, select More Troubleshooting Information. The Troubleshooting Information tab will open.
    • Under the Application Basics section next to Profile FolderProfile Directory, click Open FolderShow in FinderOpen Directory. A window will open that contains your profile folder.Your profile folder will open.Your profile directory will open.
    Note: If Firefox displays an error after clicking Open Folder or if you are unable to open or use Firefox, follow the instructions in Finding your profile without opening Firefox.

  2. Click the Firefox menu Fx89menuButton and select Exit.Click the Firefox menu at the top of the screen and select Quit Firefox.Click the Firefox menu Fx89menuButton and select Quit.
  3. Bula faele persdict.dat mo paakanyomafokong (jaaka Wordpad).
  4. Mo paakanyomafokong, lefoko lengwe le lengwe le mo moleng wa lone. Ntsha mola o o nang le lefoko le o sa le batleng.
  5. Tobetsa File seoledi abo o tlhopha Save, go boloka your work.
Ntlha: Mafoko a a ntshitsweng a ama dioledi tsotlhe.


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