Thunderbird is blocking and losing keystrokes in message compose. Profile on local disk. SOLVED caused by antivirus scans during working hours
Thunderbird is blocking and losing keystrokes in the Write Message window usually routing them to the main screen causing unwanted menu items or other behaviors. This occurs with an IMAP account with numerous folders, frequent mail, and perhaps 100 filters which file the mail into IMAP and Local folders. This is occurring on Daily from the development channel for Thunderbird.
TroubleShooting shows Version 55.0a1 Build Id 20170427030228.
I am trying to enable e10s as I see Multiprocess Windows 0/0 (Disabled) but have not been successful. Can e10s be enabled in Thunderbird and if so how?
(Walt reported they stopped scanning during working hours)
Wayne Mery tarafından
Tüm Yanıtlar (11)
Can e10s be enabled in Thunderbird
I don't think so.
That is what I thought from my reading posts that the functionality for e10s has not been included.
Does anyone else have a need or desire for this in Thunderbird?
> Does anyone else have a need or desire for this in Thunderbird?
e10s isn't going to happen any time soon. But that's OK, because e10s is not a cure all. There are plenty of causes that are solved in other ways. See https://wiki.mozilla.org/Thunderbird:Testing:Memory_Usage_Problems
p.s. you are a brave soul to be using nightly builds.
Are you still seeing the problem when using the latest nightly??
Thanks Wayne. The problem was present with both Daily and the current Thunderbird. It didn't matter which I was running and I would switch between them off and on to see if one seemed better than the other. I couldn't see a measurable difference.
You were right about other causes. I removed several startup tasks from HKLM Windows Run and the issue subsided. Some scan tools outside of AV were most likely the culprit. You would think that 35 years would be enough time to figure out how to keep the UI responsive no matter what was running in background. My god we have enough CPU and memory now to run 10,000 instances of Supercalc.
I have found both Daily and Nightly to be reasonably stable. I encounter a bad release once or twice a month and just go back to the previous day's install and give them a day to work it out. Interesting seeing the new features early and "my imagination" tells me it is running better than the street release. All in your perspective on life. Gives the developers a little more telemetry data too.
There is a known issue that the compose window sometimes becomes unresponsive and looses focus to the main window: Bug 1121870. I think that is what is happening with your Thunderbird.
> I removed several startup tasks from HKLM Windows Run and the issue subsided
Does subsided mean "gone"? Which items (application names) did you remove??
The items I removed were for RealTek audio, Roxio CD Writer, and HP Lightscribe also CD/DVD. I believe there was also a corporate PC inventory tool in the list.
It is not completely gone. I still run into periods where it returns. This last week was annoying. One is when the corporate Symantec AV is running a scan. I am trying to get it moved to midnight as I do not shut the machine down ascribing to never turn it off approach.
> This last week was annoying. One is when the corporate Symantec AV is running a scan. I am trying to get it moved to midnight as I do not shut the machine down ascribing to never turn it off approach.
Yes, this would be a problem. You also need to make sure the scan is excluding then entire Thunderbird profile directory.
> I still run into periods where it returns. This last week was annoying
Were there times when the scan was not running that you had a "period"? Anything that distinguishes such a "period" when you were receiving new mail, from other times where you were receiving new mail and NOT seeing a problem?
In https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1121870#c14 you state ... I have 151 named filters. Most are for a keyword in subject and a sender. A couple are checking for unwanted/spam emails that are simply discarded. The larger one of these has 40 email addresses.
It is possible that filtering has gotten slower. I myself am seeing some issue that I haven't been able to diagnose. However, you have been gradually making progress, so I have two suggestions, even though you say you went through the "checklist" 1. make sure windows integrated search is DISABLED at tools, options, advanced, general, allow windows search 2. try disabling the windows search service
I forgot to ask two other things: 1. what is the average and max size of these messages being filtered? 2. what is the size of the two largest folders you are filtering messages TO?
Most of the messages are small perhaps 100 characters in the body with no attachments. A few error messages (1 to 3 a day) will have attached log files perhaps 10,000 characters.
Largest IMAP folder (other than inbox) is 22,114 messages 1.0 Gb. Next largest is 3055 messages and 129Mb. InBox is 13,058 messages and 1.7Gb.
Local Folders/InBox is 27,334 messages and 3.4Gb with a subfoler12,487 messages 1.9Gb these are from the folder properties information.