What's the equivalent in Thunderbird of 'Create Rule from Message' - if there IS an equivalent?
If there IS a way of doing the following, can anyone just tell me how to do this - or just say 'can't be done' - rather than give me explanations, and/or just giving me some link to a maze of info which, I'm afraid, just leaves me confused!
In my old Win Vista Mail it was SO simple to Create a Rule from a Message.
I could quickly set up things like: - being able to receive selected messages in a certain colour. - having certain incoming messages automatically sent to another folder. - block messages coming from certain senders.
But it seems like one cannot do this in Thunderbird - or not in the same lovely simple way?
All this 'filtering' messages etc does NOT seem to enable me to set up what I want to have - or not in a way that I can work out!
Catherine Barber UK tarafından
Tüm Yanıtlar (2)
But it seems like one cannot do this in Thunderbird - or not in the same lovely simple way?
You can all do that in Thunderbird, and I don't think it's complicated, however, it certainly is different than in Vista Mail.
can anyone just tell me how to do this - or just say 'can't be done' - rather than give me explanations, and/or just giving me some link to a maze of info which, I'm afraid, just leaves me confused!
I could certainly give you some links, and it probably would take a little effort to go through, but I guess that's what can be expected when learning how to use a new email client. But I'm not going to confuse you.
If you're interested, please say so.
Right-click the message, or open the message and right-click in its header. Select "Create filter from..."
I would urge you to spend some time exploring the menus. Pretty much anything Thunderbird can do can be found via menus. And right-click is very useful too. I would hope that if you had stumbled across "Message Filters" in the Tools menu you might have recognized this was similar to the "Rules" you are searching for.
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