Add-on Causes Virus and Malware software to flag it, what I do ?
This is not the first time this add-on got flagged. I use several different programs here there.
The malware and virus Programs I use say this add-on has 123-sogou.com redirect malware in it.
It is a Popular add-on with 60,837 users.. so what should one do ???
Is there a Protocol or process that Firefox does so Users are not getting infected or a review process or a submit process or flag/resubmit? (I meant when there is a occurrence)
Tüm Yanıtlar (8)
And the unnamed Extension is?
You may get better help with AMO related stuff at https://discourse.mozilla.org/c/add-ons
Search by Image - Reverse Image Search https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/search_by_image/
mrbunnylamakins said
Search by Image - Reverse Image Search https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/search_by_image/
Hello mrbunnylamakins,
Under "Rate your experience" (on the left) there is a button :
"Report this add-on for abuse"
If you think your antivirus software has a "false positive" you probably should ask them about it and see what their explanation is. Maybe it's an error or maybe it's a real problem.
There are lots of upload scripts in this extension to upload an image to various websites to do an image search and one is a sogou.js script.
"use strict";async function upload(a){let b=a.blob,c=a.imgData;document.querySelector("a#stswitcher").click();const d=document.querySelector("input#upload_pic_file");if(!d)throw new Error("input field missing");try{const a=new ClipboardEvent("").clipboardData||new DataTransfer;a.items.add(new File([b],c.filename,{type:b.type})),d.files=a.files}catch(a){return void chrome.runtime.sendMessage({id:"notification",message:"Sogou image uploading requires at least Chrome 60 or Firefox 57.",type:`${engine}Error`})}const e=new Event("change");d.dispatchEvent(e)}initUpload(upload,dataKey,"sogou");
/src/content/engines : adobestock.js alibabaChina.js ascii2d.js baidu.js bing.js depositphotos.js getty.js iqdb.js istock.js jingdong.js qihoo.js sogou.js style.css taobao.js whatanime.js yandex.js
Search engines (toggle and reorder them from the options page):
Google Images Bing Images Yandex.Images Baidu Image Search TinEye Reverse Image Search Sogou Images Karma Decay WhatAnime SauceNAO Iqdb Ascii2d Getty Images iStock Shutterstock Adobe Stock Depositphotos Pinterest Qihoo 360 Images Jingdong Taobao Alibaba China
jscher2000 said
If you think your antivirus software has a "false positive" you probably should ask them about it and see what their explanation is. Maybe it's an error or maybe it's a real problem.
No I had two different scanners pop it up cor-el explained it to me it was a False and ( sogou.js = Sogou Images website) and not malicious
mrbunnylamakins said
This is not the first time this add-on got flagged. I use several different programs here there. The malware and virus Programs I use say this add-on has 123-sogou.com redirect malware in it. It is a Popular add-on with 60,837 users.. so what should one do ???
Your first post doesn't identify what program is doing the flagging so no one can diagnosis what is the cause here.
mrbunnylamakins said
No I had two different scanners pop it up cor-el explained it to me it was a False and ( sogou.js = Sogou Images website) and not malicious
Here's another problem using more then one scanner is also will cause issue where one claims the other is a virus.