Cannot print from Firefox. Have tried everything in this forum. Error "An error occurred while printing".
I have literally tried everything that I've found about printing issues on this forum and even spoken to your team on Twitter. I don't know what to do. I would rather use Firefox over Chrome, but I don't have a choice. Is there anyone that can help??
Tüm Yanıtlar (13)
So where are you printing from a site or link? Without anyone here knowing where your printing from that would make it hard to diagnosis the problem area.
From a site.
I have tried every single thing here: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/fix-printing-problems-firefox
I still get the error with header "Print Preview Error" that says "An error occurred while printing."
I got the same error message when I attempt to print a document from an email to the Microsoft Print to PDF driver. The error message is "An error occurred while printing". I use the Quantum 67.0.3 (32bit) on Windows 10 PC. I did uninstall and reinstall the software (as Administrator). This did not solve the problem. The problem was solved. When I launch Firefox from the shortcut (the default desktop shortcut created after the program install for all users) the Print job to the PDF driver works fine. When I launch Firefox from my own shortcut it does not work, and, the print job remains in the print queue in the spooler.
I also tried to change the directory to the software install folder and launch the browser from that folder. Still the print job did not print. Only when I launch from the default desktop shortcut the print job works.
I don't understand changing the profile. I did reset the profile.
On this link Reset all firefox printer settings You will find your profile folder. In the folder there is a pref.js file. There are instructions on how to reset all printer settings by making changes to the pref.js file. Did you do all of this ? The solution I posted is different. Because changing the printer settings and doing a profile reset did not help.
I used Control Panel and uninstalled Firefox from there. The I down loaded and reinstalled Firefox and now I can print. When I uninstalled Firefox using its own tools that didn't solve the issue. But now I'm good.
I also get the "An error occurred while printing" error when attempting to print from Firefox. Using version 68.0.1 64 bit on a Windows 10 desktop. It doesn't matter what I'm trying to print -- Firefox printing fails. It fails with that error, and prints blanks pages when I send the print to my Canon printer. I get the same problem when I attempt to print to a PDF printer. I can print from other browsers & other applications. This has been a problem for a year -- during which it never worked.
I'm considering a "nuclear" option -- uninstalling Firefox & reinstalling it. Does any know if there is a way I can save my configuration choices and add-ons when I do this? I'd hate to have to recreate all those modifications.
My next nuclear option after uninstall / reinstall would be to abandon Firefox & use another browser. I'd hate that. I believe that Mozilla needs to take this error more seriously. This is a showstopper bug.
I uninstalled Firefox using the Uninstall Program from the Control Panel. When I uninstalled it using Firefox's uninstall method it does let you save your setting but it didn't fix the problem. I still don't have my Bookmarks back but I can get them from my Firefox on a different computer (I think) by creating a HTML file whatever that is.
I don't know anyway to save the settings or keep the add-ons. Remember to uninstall from the control panel (not from Firefox). When you re-install remember to use the desktop shortcut to launch the browser. Keep the same default desktop shortcut created by Firefox.
I too am having the same printing error message - I have been using Firefox since 2014 and never had this printing problem until early September 2019. I followed the previous comments and uninstalled and reinstalled Firefox, but the Printing Error problem remains. Only course of action (especially as Mozilla have not fixed this annying problem) IS . . .vote with your feet and install Opera Browser instead, which prints brilliantly. Sorry Firefox but Goodbye !
windows did an update, now firefox will not print anythin nor will adobe, but i can print microsoft documents, so why is this happening and how can i fix it?
Be sure you uninstall Firefox using the Uninstall a program feature in Windows. Uninstalling it using Firefox's own uninstall software didn't fix it for me.