Remove Mandatory end user UI update notifications for SoE users who CANNOT Update (72.0.1 32-bit)
I've Firefox Browser, Delivered to me in a SoE. I have No (zero, nada none..) control over the rate at which the packaging team updates the Browser, or their competency in doing this.
Kudos to you for keeping me, the end user safe .. by way of updates even, however Please Please PLEASE!!! provide the end user a means to stop the mandatory end user integration update pop up window whinge !!!!
If I can not control your development pace, the effective skill set of the packaging team, or the rate at which they can keep pace with your updates, then please by god , please allow me, the end user to turn the update pop up window off, and make my browsing experience better! Maintain mandatory updates.. I don't care, nor can I control that... either. However I do have my hands all over your end user UI.
I do not wish however to be reminded almost hourly how and how UN-responsive, or crap my peers are. nor I do not want "mandatory end user action" UI update reminders every blinking minute an UI or email or system interface forces me to open another browser window... again some of which I have no control over.
Tüm Yanıtlar (4)
Hi Niterate, I assume the auto-update doesn't work on your configuration? That would avoid prompts if it did.
Normally if you set Firefox to alert you to available updates, you would get a "doorhanger" panel dropping from the menu button once or twice a day. Where are you seeing such frequent reminders?
@jscher2000, thanks for responding, I have no administrative rights to install any software on my Desktop as Firefox is packaged and delivered to to the Standard Operating Environment (SOE) by a `Packaging team` and automation, so regardless what I want, Firefox is "Dribbled" out to me at some snail paced corporate schedule. No ammount of email or suggestion will move these individuals. I can not update without said same rights, otherwise yes your implied solution would be just set it to auto update, and be done with it.
<user story> The other downside to being an IT worker in a broad IT space, many interfaces and mailed solutions or notifications are links.. you click a tool's function (link) and voila, you've opened a new browser instance because typically the link url is "target="_blank" or in my case a binary symlink (shortcut) + URL ...
Queue the UI's mandatory door hanger's re-appearance, "update now" window box which won't work, due to the a fore mentioned lack of software installation rights.
Each browser instance does not care or know if I've opened Firefox elsewhere and clicked "Not Now" (Josephine...) in the last 24 hours or 24 seconds...
Ideally yes it is good practice to update, I get it, I'm a sysadmin myself. However I'm sure I'm not the only end user in this situation where they, like I, can not action updates via the mandatory window, or otherwise, and are heartily sick of clicking "Not Now", and they like me want a UI method to make it go away.
Nor can I, or do I, actually want to stop updates for that matter. A quick google for this seemingly common complaint, and you'll be advised to follow the 'enterprise.policy' solution with door.hanger= false setting, but I've no choice to devolve update/configuration duties and glacial schedule pace to the `packaging team` but... equally Firefox will not allow me to remove the door hanger, update now "box". All I am left with are the current Firefox end user UI controls and an endless clicking of [Not Now]. <end user story>
Perhaps IT should set a policy on the system not to check for updates if they make it impossible to install them. Are they aware of the issue?
I too would like to switch off the update notifications. There are too many updates and the notifications pop up too frequently. It is extremely irritating.
I know you would not recommend neglecting to update, but it's my choice.