Firefox 3.6.9 on mac running 10.4.11 does not have option for custom headers when printing.
I am trying to print web content for a college project, it requires custom headers and footers. Firefox 3.6.9 does not have a custom option in the header/footer lists. In the help pages for Firefox is shows this option. Is this missing only on the Mac version? Thanks for any info.
Tüm Yanıtlar (4)
Go to the "File" menu, then "Print." The window that appears will have three drop-down menus at the top.
The first is labeled "Printer",
The second is "Presets".
The third is unlabeled but has "Copies & Pages" selected by default.
Click on that third menu and select "Firefox" near the bottom of the list.
I have tried that and the "custom" option does not exist in the list. The list is as follows: --blank--, Title, URL, Date/Time, Page#, Page#of#
That is the entire list of options, Custom is not in the list even though the Firefox Help shows it to be there. I am wondering if this option is available in the Windows version and not in the OS X version. Thanks for the reply though.
olds403 tarafından
See if this works.
Type about:config in the URL bar and hit enter.
Filter = print.print
There are 6 prefs for headers / footers.
print.print_header... center, left, & right
print.print_footer... center, left, & right
You can add what you want in the Value column and then Restart Firefox to effect the change.
This will be a permanent change(until I change it in the config again) correct? Is there any way to add a custom entry for the drop down menu? The reason I ask is that I don't print the same header and footer every time and would have to make this change every time I needed to change the information.
It is a decent workaround and I appreciate your suggestion, if that is the only way to do it I guess I will have to do it that way. Thanks again.