AdBlockPlus is preventing me from attaching photos to emails I want to send via gmail - How do I correct this?
locking as a duplicate - https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/questions/877475
Quite some time ago I switched to Mozilla Firefox, and installed AdBlocker. Have had NO ads since then and have been very happy with it. Ever since I've had AdBlocker, when I go to attach a file to an email I'm about to send in gmail, I see a little word "Block" pop up over "Attach a file". I just always ignored it. Now, however, I find I am unable to attach photos I want to send. When I click on that little word "Block" I get a whole menu that I don't really understand titled Add AdBlock Filter Rule. It shows this in the "New Filter" field at top: "||mail.google.com/mail/uploader/*. Under that a "Blocking Filter" radio button is selected, and under, under "Look for "Pattern", I see the item "mail.google.com/mail/uploader/*" is selected. At the bottom of the screen is a radio button "Custom" that has https://mail.google.com/mail/uploader/uploaderapi2.swf after it, but that button is not selected. I just removed all custom filters in an attempt to get rid of whatever is disallowing me to attach photos. But that didn't work. Any ideas? I'm lost
the-edmeister tarafından
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BTW, I should have said AdBlockerPlus above - I have ABP, not just AB.