Switch back to Mozilla Monitor’s free plan

Mozilla Monitor Mozilla Monitor Останнє оновлення: 40% користувачів проголосували за користь

Monitor Plus is a premium feature from Mozilla Monitor that helps protect your online accounts by notifying you of data breaches and automatically removing your personal information from data broker sites. By downgrading, you’ll still receive basic monitoring alerts for your accounts but without premium features.

To switch back to the free version, follow these steps:

  1. Open your web browser and go to the Mozilla Monitor website at monitor.firefox.com.
  2. Sign in to your Mozilla account.
  3. At the Mozilla Monitor dashboard, on the left-hand side, click the Settings button Monitor option.
  4. Select Manage account button , and under the Cancel Monitor Plus subscription section, click the Cancel from your Mozilla account link.
    Cancel monitor plus subscription
  5. You will receive the following message.
    Continue button
  6. To continue, write the reason for your cancellation and click the button Continue to cancellation.
    write reason
  7. You will be redirected to your subscriptions, go to Monitor Plus and click Cancel.
    Plus cancel button
  8. Mark the checkbox to agree to the cancellation terms.
    Cancel checkmark
  9. Click the Cancel Subscription button and you’re done!
Note: Canceling Monitor Plus downgrades your account to the free version. While premium features will no longer be available, you will still receive data breach alerts for your monitored accounts.

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