Unable to load address book
Hi I am receiving the following error message on TB (31.0, but also previous versions, on a Win 7 pro) launch:
Unable to load address book file Unable to load address book file abook-2.mab. It may be read-only, or locked by another application. Please try again later.
TB loads as normal after pressing OK. However, the address book appears to be corrupted. Each sub-directory in the address book has been duplicated. I can edit and save individual addresses in each of the duplicate sub-directories.
Help please. Not sure what to do. Simply delete the duplicates?
I have been using TB for many years. Thank you. The only thing that ever goes wrong with it is the address book. A few times I have had to labourisly delete duplicate addresses that TB appears to have created (they are not duplicated within the 'root' address book held in gmail).
Tất cả các câu trả lời (4)
I use google contact sync and it made a real hash of my address books recently. To the point addressing a mail took ages to give me selections.
This morning I woke up to c. 50 reminders for a friend's birthday! It seems overnight TB has been replicating my (google) address book AGAIN. Thiis about the 5th time this has happened in as many years. This time it is a little different. The whole address book has been replicated a few times. Empty replicate groups have been created within each dupliacate address book and contacts have been duplicated- about 20 times. And of course this all gets dominoed along synced IMAP devices. I now have to labouriously clean it all up AGAIN and it is going to take me hours. Sigh. Can anyone please help. I am losing confidence in TB rapidly and am about to ditch it otherwise. Shame because I like it as a client, but not if it keeps stuffing up my contacts. (I have a lot already!) Thanks
As I indicated months ago I use an add-on to synchronize Google address books. As Thunderbird can not do it alone I assume you do to.
Add-ons are not Thunderbird they are small programs written by others to extend Thunderbirds features. If your add-on is malfunctioning I suggest you contact the author of that addon and see what assistance they can offer.
I am (was!) using Google contacts 0.7.12 (latest version, but 1 year old) by H.Ogi. Had enough, disabled now and have contacted the author, but I fear he/she is no longer supporting it.
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