Why dosen't a table format paste into email the same? Tried using spreadsheet but black border lines appear red, why?
I created a table with different size columns and in some cases lines too as an open text document that I needed to send to multiple people for information. When copied and pasted it to the email the format was completely different. Why?
I tried creating a spreadsheet for the same purpose but the borders appear completely different colour from those created. Why?
Is there a way of reconfiguring the write email page to accept documents with tables and spreadsheets to appear as created?
Brian Gardner
Tất cả các câu trả lời (1)
re: When copied and pasted it to the email the format was completely different. Why?
You are using a specialist program which has a load of formatting options that are available in that program, That is why those programs were created for that purpose. However, all that specialist formatting is not necessarilly available in HTML formatting in an email. This means that copy pasted sections from other software may not be exactly the same when viewed in an email.
Usually, if you created this in a word processing document of some specialist type, then you want your recipient to be able to read it as intended using the correct program. So, you save and attach the document to an email. This also allows the recipient to save the document separately from the email. It is also why there is the functionality to attach documents.
There is the facility to create Tables in Thunderbird. You need to be writting in HTML format not Plain Text. In a new Write window. Insert > Table.