Filelink provider doesn't show in 'attach'
I've done what I think I need to do to use Box in order to send large files. However, when I drop the 'Attach' menu down it offers Filelink but the accompanying box (which I assume should contain provider options) contains nothing. And I can click into it and it tells me it is uploading the file that I've preiously uploaded to Box, but it goes on forever and never finishes. Shouldn't there be something like 'Box' in the box next to Filelink in the 'Attach' dropdown?
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The way this works is the attachment you have in the email is uploaded to box "now" it is not intended for use with previously uploaded files. You would be better linking to them on box directly.
Having said that. You have entered the box details into Tools menu (alt+T) > options > Attachments > outgoing I assume.
To the second para in your answer, the answer is yes.
However, re the first para, what I do is click 'attach', go to the drop down menu then hit 'filelink' (if it's a large attachment) then hit the - currently empty - box that appears. This takes me to the folders where I can select a file to attach, click that file, then see that it appears as an attchment in the email, but with a circling icon indicating that somehting is happening. In the bottom left hand of the screen is 'your file is being linked. It will appear in the body of the message when it's done'. But this never finally happens.
Ok, I had a trawl around in bugzilla and came up with.https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1045845
If my reading of the bug report is correct log into box on the web and delete the Thunderbird folder on your account there and subsequent tries should recreate it and it should work from then on.