Is this an issue with Firefox, or something else?
I just posted my first question on the Google support forums, and I noticed with almost every new version of Firefox that is released every six weeks, there is at least one update to how Firefox handles CSS pages. I have been told by my web design teacher during the spring of 2014 Internet Explorer 11 handles cascading style sheets 'fairly well', and it would be quite interesting for me to know how Firefox handles cascading style sheets in comparison to Internet Explorer 11, which has been officially deprecated since July 29, 2015.
I am eager to learn a significant amount about web design in the next eighteen months. I would certainly appreciate a detailed answer.
Tất cả các câu trả lời (10)
Hi Thomas, Generally Firefox will aim at being standards compliant. Historically Firefox has probably handled css better than IE did. Firefox also has little known built in tools you may find useful.
If you have a specific problem where Firefox appears to be failing we can try to help you here, because that would be a support question, but we are not an educational site.
We do have related sites that may be of use to you. Some of these links may be of interest:
- Generally MDN https://developer.mozilla.org
- Cascading Style Sheets CSS https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/CSS
- Standards https://wiki.mozilla.org/Standards#CSS_.28Cascading_Style_Sheets.29_Working_Group
- or play with webmaker https://beta.webmaker.org/#/ (https://webmaker.org/ has had a makeover)
- Release notes for Firefox https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/releases/
- FX 40 (It will be Fx40.0.3 now ) https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/40.0/releasenotes/
- Developer notes including CSS https://developer.mozilla.org/Firefox/Releases/40
You may also find interesting discussions on the highly respected third party Mozillazine site Web Development / Standards Evangelism
Did you look at the screenshot? I am convinced the reason the text isn't quite aligned with the box on the page is because of problems handling CSS. I know this isn't an educational site, but I wanted to know why the text on the page of that screenshot is not displaying correctly and whether it's an issue with Firefox or something else. Anyway, everything you wrote is quite helpful.
Maybe it's an issue with handling of cascading style sheets, maybe it's not.
How does that page work when the Firefox browser window is maximized?
The first thing i do when i test a new version of a firefox is to run a speedtest in the speednet and if i see a significant drop in the speed of the download or upload that means only 1 thing RETRANSSMITIONS of the same packets.
This is why return to 38.0.5 as fast as i could and i do not trust 40.0.2 to download even the 38.0.5 in another post you will see me saying use Internet explorer to download and install it.
Ps see again the picture that this kid posted
Được chỉnh sửa bởi user1241316 vào
That page does not look too bad when I visit it. Trying various zoom factors and Window sizes I do get some distortions. But I do not specifically see text breaking the bounds and overflowing on the right.
The page (taking the info from the image posted) is apparently the same content: https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/gmail/nJzC7qxXhys;context-place=topicsearch/File$2Ffiles$20up$20to$2050MB$20received$20in$20gmail$20inboxes
(I did not actually try viewing in Fx40 but Fx31.0.8 & Fx42.0a2 both were ok )
In Firefox 40, display:flex allows for that overflow (compared with display:block, which is the normal behavior of div elements). I have attached screen shots.
According to the MDN article (https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/We.../display), display:flex has been supported for a long time in Firefox, but maybe something changed.
Edit: This seems to be a little over my head: https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/Guide/CSS/Flexible_boxes
Được chỉnh sửa bởi jscher2000 - Support Volunteer vào
I think the reason that particular post has problems is that the category list is unusually long and that is widening the contents of the flexbox beyond the dimensions observed in other threads. But I don't know how to fix it because the CSS I know doesn't seem to work in flexboxes.
Được chỉnh sửa bởi jscher2000 - Support Volunteer vào
jscher2000 said
... Edit: This seems to be a little over my head: https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/Guide/CSS/Flexible_boxes
Interesting page. Certainly totally over my head at the moment, but it does explain by example and link to interactive playgrounds.
Another Firefox built in tool potentially useful if studying CSS and overflow issues is the Responsive Design View Tool.
I have not got Fx40 to hand at present. Maybe if only Fx40 has a problem it is a bug that has been fixed since.
jscher2000 said
I think the reason that particular post has problems is that the category list is unusually long and that is widening the contents of the flexbox beyond the dimensions observed in other threads. But I don't know how to fix it because the CSS I know doesn't seem to work in flexboxes.
All the versions of Firefox fail to show correctly the post and internet explorer as you see in the screenshot i upload displays correctly the post even if is *NOT* maximized.
So the kid that made this post is correct in here we have a problem that we can't solve.
Được chỉnh sửa bởi user1241316 vào
Looks fine from iceweasel, (Fx 31.8) and although I now did once see a problem in Aurora , (Fx4 FX42.0a2) I could not last time I looked and am not sure how to reproduce.
Whatever it is it looks pretty much an edge case. Unless it is breaking lots of other fora or sites.
I would suggest in this case the best course of action is to report to the website itself. They should be able to investigate and file a good bug if applicable.
Another way forward would be to strart a discussion on Mozillazine
Được chỉnh sửa bởi John99 vào