Script wont work on Windows 10
I am running a script called Travian t4 beyond sse on greasemonkey on my laptop. It was working fine until I upgraded to Windows 10, now it is running but nothing shows up on the screen as it usually did. Is there any way for me to make it work again?
Tất cả các câu trả lời (14)
It's a script not a game?
Its a script for a game
a script that runs a game ok
sorry a script for a game I get it but i'm not sure i can help :(
Im not sure if you work for firefox or what but maybe you they can have a look at it. The script only compile data from the game into easy-to-use tables. Now its not doing anything. There must be some reason for that.
i do not work here i am obsessed with win 10 problems i posted ur question with a couple of friends if i get an answer i will post it :) not obsessed with win 10 problems more like obsessed with the solutions :)
Great, thank you.
In case you want to go test the theories, The game I play is called Travian and the scrips you now from above. Im not all that computer savvy, I only know enough to get by.
Hey CowboyKenny you are not the only one having trouble with gaming in windows 10. is this game an older game?
Have you tried going to the games website to see if they have updated that script for win 10 if they have not you could ask them to consider it as you cannot play the game. The only solution I have found i do not think it applies to your problem. Let me know what they tell you on the web site!
CowboyKenny this may or may not work...it works for some folks and not for others.
1. Press “Windows Key + X”. 2.Click on “Device Manager” from that list. 3Expand display adapter. 4 Right click on the display adapter installed. 5 Click on update driver software and select the option to automatically search for the updated driver software. 6 Restart the computer after its updated and verify.
You may also, contact the computer manufacturer's and download the latest display and chipset drivers for your computer and install the same.
There are several forums for this game I would suggest you try some and see if others playing the game have this problem. There is a channel on irc where you can ask questions also: http://natar.travian.org:8080/?channels=travian.us&prompt=1 AND
Are you facing issues playing games offline or online?
Refer to this article on how to enable flash or IE11/Edge https://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/install-flash-player-windows.html
Hope this post helps.
I think I have given you enough homework for today. I really hope some of this helps. The only one that I think might work is the flash player. Good Luck and let me know how it goes.
Được chỉnh sửa bởi Shellie92270 vào
And Cowboy when all else fails go here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/search?query=trouble%20with%20gaming%20in%20windows%2010
I think you can read in the forums there but you have to register to ask questions or reply. Alot of people are having the problems that you have and that is probably going to be the best place....or you can downgrade to windows 7 :(
Thanks for the reply.
I will have a look at the drivers as soon as I am on work wifi again and then test all the other possible solutions. I unfortunately cant ask on the game forum seeing that scripts are frowned upon...lol.
I dont think its a flash problem, Its a online game and the actual game part works just fine. I did go tho the site where I got the script but could not comment on anything for some reason.
Seeing that you are so interested in Windows 10 problems...my touch pad has stopped working after I upgraded. Got told its a common problem. Maybe you have heard of a fix.
I need the name of who made your computer. If touchpad did work before upgrade but not after its a driver issue. U can go to either Microsoft or the manufacture of your computer to see if one of them has an updated driver. One of them will probably have one. Microsoft has been updating drivers daily. Theshould be caught up soon ;). Hopefully they will be done before the next part of win 10 comes out cuz they will have to start updating drivers again !!!!!!
Hope this is helpful.
Is it this script:
Travian4 Beyond - SSE (ver http://userscripts-mirror.org/scripts/show/98310
or is there a newer version on a "live" site where there might be some support?
Not sure if any of these are similar: