Thunderbird 52.4.0 keeps crashing 30 seconds after startup @ mozilla::net::nsStreamLoader::OnStopRequest. 52.3.0 does not crash.
Recently in the past week or so Thunderbird started crashing on me... not sure if this was after the last update or not Now I can barely keep it open... removed add ons ( emojis ) From trying to self help through Mozilla support info went into something that I now cant remember and cant keep Thunderbird open long enough to figure out, but did change some options from user to default. Didn't help. Here are a few crash report links https://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/index/7c15870f-8982-40ba-8c07-5fe230171021 https://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/index/fe4380f5-587f-4916-b020-b1baa0171021 https://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/index/ee044c8a-6fa2-4ae4-8b10-3ce0e0171021 Thanks for your help!
Được chỉnh sửa bởi Wayne Mery vào
Tất cả các câu trả lời (7)
Fortunately all your crashes are the same. Please try in this order...
1. Does starting in safe mode help? https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/safe-mode-thunderbird
2. Does using https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/thunderbird/releases/52.3.0/win32/en-US/Thunderbird%20Setup%2052.3.0.exe help?
Please post your results.
Thank you for your help - yes, Thunderbird did crash in safe mode pretty quickly, but it does not appear that a crash report was generated. Checking #2 now
Yea! Thunderbird is back up and appears to now be stable after running #2. Have sent mail, checked a link, received new messages, deleted messages and it has remained up without crashing for almost 10 mins. I believe that fixed it!!! If I do encounter another crash today I will respond on this thread. Thank you again so very much for your help!
RavenHouseArts said
Yea! Thunderbird is back up and appears to now be stable after running #2. Have sent mail, checked a link, received new messages, deleted messages and it has remained up without crashing for almost 10 mins. I believe that fixed it!!! If I do encounter another crash today I will respond on this thread. Thank you again so very much for your help!
I see no further crash reports in the last 4 hours so it's looking pretty good. Which is great, because (very strange) you are the only user of several million that is seeing this crash. Makes me wonder what is going on.
Which lead me to ask for a favor - can you try the beta from http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/channel/ so we know whether this
is a potential problem for releases after 52?
Sure - Happy to Help!
Downloaded Beta yesterday and have been using it fine till it now - when it crashed https://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/index/b04a2604-855c-4f3c-80c5-76af00171024
Going a full day with no crash could be good news. Hopefully bp-b04a2604-855c-4f3c-80c5-76af00171024 js::jit::ICEntry::traceEntry is a different issue. Let's give it a couple more days and report back even if no more crashes.