For android mobile firefox, microphone is already turned on, but microphone isn't working, cannot be turned. Can a specific kb choice block this function?
I need to have microphone working in android mobile firefox on my Gakaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G, as fingertip damage from fingertip sticks for Type ll Adult Onset Glucose is interfering with keyboarding. Any other things which could interfere as the solution above is "on" already but there is no microphone function/activity?
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Hi Rich
Even with the microphone permission set, you still need to tap the screen to initiate the search.
One way you can change this is to fully voice enable your Android device. You can read more about this at: https://support.google.com/accessibility/android/answer/6151848?hl=en
You may also wish to consider looking into getting a touchscreen "stylus pen" which may help. It is a pen like item that may make using a touchscreen easier without needing to use a fingertip.
I hope that this helps.