Can't get back to inbox
When I open a message to read it, I can't get back to the inbox. Sometimes the "shrink to taskbar" button does the job; lots of times it doesn't! Sometimes if I go to the Thunderbird icon
Sometimes when I go to the taskbar, both the read and inbox icons are there; more often they aren't. (WIN 10)
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re: When I open a message to read it,
How are you opening email to read:
- using a single click to open and read in Message Pane?
- using a double click to open in a new tab?
- using a double click to open in a new window?
When enabled, the 'Message Pane' is not a Preview and by default it displays below the Message List/Thread Pane. For those reading this who do not know - enable/disable location:
- 'View' > 'Layout' > 'Message Pane'
This is where setting for what a double click opens:
- Menu icon > Settings > General
- under 'Reading & Display'
Open new messages - choose an option
What option is currently selected?
If opening in a new tab: You can reselect the 'Inbox' tab - but if you have a lot of tabs open then you may need to use the left chevron icon < located on the left side of the opened tabs. Or use the keyboard 'Ctrl' + 'Tab' keys to navigate through the opened tabs left to right or 'Ctrl'+'Shift'+'Tab' to do the same in reverse - right to left.
If opening in a new window : You can use 'Alt'+'Tab' to be able to rotate through any opened windows. Does this method work for you?