I need to copy my Tb filters from a POP account to an IMAP account.
Tb 102.14.0 (64-bit)
I followed the instructions to copy the msgFilterRules.dat file to the D:\drive, then copied it to the IMAP profile. When I then opened Tb, which starts with the IMAP account, I found that there was only a single filter copied from the filter collection in the POP account.
What do I need to do to get the POP filters properly transferred to the POP account?
Tất cả các câu trả lời (6)
Snagit does a great deal more than your suggestion, and the cost is not prohibitive.
1. You take a screenshot of a site that does not allow you to copy the text. In Snagit, you click on Grab Text, and it puts the text into the clipboard, such as this which I then put into Word Perfect so that I could find and post it here easily:
"5,000 pilots suspected of hiding major health issues. Most are still ftying. Federal authorities have been investigating about 5,000 pilots suspected of falsifying their medical records to conceal conditions that could make them unfit to fly. By Lisa Rein and Craig Whitlock"
2. You can easily arrange a number of screenshots into a single image. For example, I had four related images a few days ago, so I chose a vertical single-column template and gave the template a title. I then inserted the first image and gave it its own title, then the second, third, and fourth image, and saved the result as a single image which I then sent to the relevant email address.
I have never tried to reply to two new messages, only to the last one; as you sent me two, here is a quote from the first one:
"Thanks for image but it only shows the contents of an unknown profile name folder."
To me, it is extremely simple where I copied and insert the file:
Step One:
Choose the POP file, click on More Trouble Shooting Information, scroll down to "Profile Folder, click on Open Folder, copy msgFilterRules, and copy it to D:/Documents, use Notepad to be sure all filters are there, then closed the Profile.
Step Two:
Choose the IMAP folder, open its Profile, and copy the msgFilterRules from D:\Documents into the Profile, use Notepad again, where I found all filters, close Profile, then click on Tools/Manage Filters, find no filters.
Does this clarify what I did without going through your directions? Even if so, do I need to do what you requested. I am not trying to be persnickety, it is simply that, as I have obviously no understanding of this, I am wondering why doing it your way would give any further information which it very well might do. What I am doing is to gain some insight into what thisi is all about.
Does this clarify what I did without going through your directions?
re :Step One: Choose the POP file, click on More Trouble Shooting Information, scroll down to "Profile Folder, click on Open Folder, copy msgFilterRules,
These instructions do not mention you had exited Thunderbird prior to copying the file. The msgFilterRules is not in the Profile name folder. You would have had to click on 'Mail' and then select the pop account name. So your instructions are not exactly correct and they never include any details about directory information. Then you pasted it in the Documents folder, not sure why - maybe you were wanting a backup copy.
This is why I wanted to see exact image. You supplied it. So that part is now understood.
Step Two: Choose the IMAP folder, open its Profile, and copy the msgFilterRules from D:\Documents into the Profile, use Notepad again, where I found all filters, close Profile, then click on Tools/Manage Filters, find no filters.
These instructions do not say whether Thunderbird is exited prior to pasting in file. It also says you are pasting the file into the profile which is wrong. You say you closed profile, - I'm assuming you mean just closed the window which contains all the profile data and then went straight to clicking on Tools/Manage filters, but how can you do this if Thunderbird is not running or is it? It also does not show me if you have actually put the file in the correct place. According to the last image you posted you put it in the wrong place because you posted an image showing contents of an unknown profile name folder.
Please post an image showing exactly where you pasted that msgFilterRules and make sure it shows full directory.
OK the last image you posted shows the contents of a profile name folder. In the pofile name folder there is a msgFilterRules file - I'm assuming you put it there. It is in the wrong place. So it tells me you were not following instructions.
If you want it in the Imap mail account then locate that profile name folder. Exit Thunderbird Move that 'msgFilterRules.dat' file out of the 'profile name' folder and put on desktop. click on 'Imap Mail' folder' click on imap account name folder delete the current 'msgfilterrules.dat' file Get a copy of 'msgfilterrules' you put on desktop and paste it into the imap account name folder. Then start Thunderbird.
First of all, and most importantly, my continued appreciation for your assistance.
At the quite unintended fear of seeming critical, the message to which I am replying would have saved both of us time and bother: I easily found the location of the msgFilterRules for both IMAM and Gmail due to your quite succinct text in that message.
Out of curiosity, as I had a copy of msgFilterRules saved directly from the Profile of my POP account, and wondering what would happen if I pasted it in without following the first part of your text, figuring that if that did not work, I would do as you told me.
I now have all of my filters working in both IMAP and Gmail, a wonderful conclusion to this thread.
consummatum est (Latin: "It is finished.") If you prefer, "ilicet."
In conclusion, gratius tibi ago (Latin: Thank You.)
I'm glad to hear you have now managed to get the 'msgFilterRules.dat' file into the correct location and everything is working for you. All the best :)
If my previous comment saying to move 'msgFilterRules.dat' file from the actual 'profile name' folder into the profilename/ImapMail/imap account name folder worked for you, could you select it as 'Chosen Solution' so it formally indicates the fix. Cheers.
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