How to hide "secure connection failed" alert box?
My university mate and I have this problem: our university has got a wifi network protected with password and once connected, trying to connect to any website, you are redirected to a login page where you have to fill in your university id, in order to get access to the internet. This login page has got a certificate, valid only for that URL. We use firefox with some extensions like "gmail manager" and "lastpass", which connects to some internet website to retrieve informations about unread mail and passwords. Anyway the certificate is not signed for those connections since it is valid only for the university login page, so we experience a lot of: "secure connection failed" dialog box. (Like the one in this image: http://img693.imageshack.us/img693/8548/secureconnectionfailed.jpg) Is there a way to hide those alert boxes? They are very boring! We have already tried: browser.ssl_override_behavior = 2 and browser.xul.error_pages.expert_bad_cert = true with no success.
Thank you very much!
URL of affected sites
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The link for the image is bad. Use this:
I have noticed that i can show the image right here! Sorry for the triple post but it's my first time here
You can bypass the warning only if you are sure the site is legit:
1. On the Secure Connection failed warning, click Or you can add an exception
2. Click Add Exception A dialog box will appear.
4. Click Get Certificate
5. You should read the problems with the site. If you are sure you want to trust this site, click Confirm Security Exception
I can't do this since the certificate isn't for the website i'm in. I haven't got the Add exception in that dialog. I have already confirmed the security certificate but it isn't valid for the websites the add-ons are trying to connect to.
I think Firefox should implement the config to hide this kind of SSL errors! I have the same error at my work hotspot for long time ago! Without it I would improve my productivity! If i turn the computer on, firefox is set to autostart and then if i go to have a coffee during this time, when i return to the pc i have a lot of this errors!
Please someone can give an hint? Firefox Developers?
I think it is not a bug, it happens when the session is not authenticated, because the gmail manager and the lastpass extensions tries to connect to their external websites every 10 seconds, this cause the alert dialog I have shown in that thread. If I am away from the computer when firefox starts, when i come back there is a stack with hundreds of those dialogs! The only solution is to kill the firefox process and start it again.
I think i should be able to override those alerts. Please firefox team, help my university!