I am having problems with most games on Facebook. When I use IE they work perfectly.
I am having problems with most games on Facebook. When I try to play them using IE they work perfectly. The games either won't open or won't work right. Is there a fix for this?
URL of affected sites
Tất cả các câu trả lời (5)
It depends on the game and what problem you are having, but a general fix is to clear your cache and cookies. See Fix problems with Facebook games, chat and more
Thanks! That was actually one of the first things I did. And I do that pretty regularly anyway. It didn't fix the problem. About half the games that I play won't even open. They act like they are going to then just sit there until I close the page. A few games will play though.
This seems to be the only problem I have with Firefox. So I don't think it's a big deal to open either IE or Google Chrome to play a few games with. But it is still a problem that Firefox is not working completely as it should and I'd like to find a fix for this. I'd like to say good bye to IE forever if possible.
We'll need some more info about your Firefox setup. Go to Help > Troubleshooting Information, then click Copy all to Clipboard. Open a reply to this post, and go to Edit > Paste to paste the info from your Troubleshooting Information page. [edit]
Is this what you mean?
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You have quite a bit of add-ons, and I think that maybe one of them is getting in the way. Maybe adblock is blocking the games?
If the problem does not occur in Safe Mode, then you can disable your extensions one-by-one until you find out which one is causing the problem. See Troubleshoot extensions, themes and hardware acceleration issues to solve common Firefox problems