How can I make text bold? Ctrl+B doesn't work like in IExplorer/it's opening bookmark window. Thanks!
How can I make bold a text in a data base that I open with Firefox? Ctrl+B doesn't work like it does in IExplorer. It's opening a bookmark window instead of making text bold. It would be very helpfull to me to do that with a task combination. I'm using Firefox in Romanian language, but the keyboard is set to german language. Thank you!
Tất cả các câu trả lời (3)
Try to additionally press the Shift key: Alt+Shift+B or Ctrl+Shift+B
Ctrl+B is the shortcut for the bookmarks bar, that's that part of your problem...
Thanks co-rel, but these task combinations don't work neither ...
Matt, tank you too, but I allready noticed that when I first time used Ctrl+B with mozilla.
That's why I decided to write to this support. I searched the internet many times for a solution.... Maybe there is someone who knows.