ScienceDirect doesn't support Firefox 4.0 any ideas?
Just updated to Firefox 4.0 (English US) and now find that ScienceDirect, an Elsevier eJournal site doesn't support 4.0.
Have any others had this problem and if so is there a work-around.
I've asked the Elsevier eHelp Desk the question when they intend to support 4.0, but have yet to receive and answer. Thanks :-)
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I want to clear the misconception that this browser version does not work with ScienceDirect; in principal there should not be any missing/faulty functionality on ScienceDirect resulting from the FF upgrade. It is true that we do not yet support this browser but that is because this browser is brand new and we have not yet incorporated it into our development process. Having said that we are confident that Firefox users should not encounter any issues with this browser when visiting ScienceDirect, if you do please report it to the ScienceDirect helpdesk , your feedback is very important to us, I'm sure together we can resolve most issues.
Kind regards Fernando Alberti Second Line Support SciVerse