Unable to download articles when using SCOPUS
Hi, I am trying to download articles from SCOPUS, but couldn't download them , it wasn't the case with my earlier versions. Below is the message I get, when I tried to download the article. I hope you fix this. Regards, Srivathsa.
Unfortunately we are unable to process your request.
Scopus download full text button button is not currently supported in your computer environment. You can use buttons below article title to access full text as shown below. Scopus Small Preview
Supported environments are:
32-bit /64-bit Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 with IE 6 or later or with Firefox 2 or later Mac OS Tiger, Leopard or Snow Leopard with Safari 2.0 or later
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I contacted Scopus support, and they said that they do not currently support Firefox 5.0. (this Firefox version is currently <2 months old)
Until support is added, I was advised to find and install an older version of Firefox (eg. 3.6, http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all-older.html) or to use Internet Explorer 7.
Thank you very much. I hope they fix it soon.