How do I get Norton to let Firefox run?
The help for Norton stops with 2010 and is not helpful. I can NOT get Firefox to work and the help from Norton is anything but.
Tất cả các câu trả lời (5)
Not everyone uses Norton products, so your best source is their user forum or their user manual/guide.
Some suggestions here --> https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/Firewalls (older version of NIS and 360)
Norton user forum --> http://community.norton.com/
User Guides:
- NIS --> ftp://ftp.symantec.com/public/english_us_canada/products/norton_internet_security/
- Norton 360 --> ftp://ftp.symantec.com/public/english_us_canada/products/norton_360/
- Other languages available --> ftp://ftp.symantec.com/public/
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Được chỉnh sửa bởi SafeBrowser vào
Thank you for your suggestions.. Went to Norton first. Absolutely no help. At all. Was like trying to navigate a murky pond.
This not going to be a helpful post, and I am sorry.
Hello BiffRifkin,
I'm sorry to hear that your using Norton, as far as virus protection it is infamous. At this point I would suggest you install a different anti virus software. My first suggestion is AVG, and my next will have to be McAfee.
Again I apologize for this unhelpful post.
Norton its not a good antivrus adon like it avg is good i have it on my pc and its very good :)
You must be willing to do some searching and reading to know your product. Start reading on the following pages on the Norton site and follow the links on the pages to other information. I found these by going to the Norton site, click on Support (in the top bar on that page) and choose "Customer Support", close the small window asking you to choose a product, in Search type "allow programs" (without quotation marks). For Firefox, you need to allow "firefox.exe" and "plugincontainer.exe" in the Programs installation folder on your system.
- NIS --> https://www-secure.symantec.com/norton-support/jsp/help-solutions.jsp?lg=english&ct=united+states&version=current&pvid=f-home&product=home&docid=v1028102_NIS_SOS_2012_en_us
- 360 --> https://www-secure.symantec.com/norton-support/jsp/help-solutions.jsp?product=Norton+360&partner=&ispid=&lg=english&ct=united+states&version=current&pvid=f-n360-cur&docid=v1028102_N360_N360RET_6_en_us
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